Innovative Platform Medical Devices Leader in the Industry


The International Medical Devices Showcase Innovative Showcase – World-Class Technology On July 11, Piyasakol Sakolsatayadorn, Minister of Public Health, and Dr. Somchai Haniran, Deputy Minister of Public Health Ministry of Industry President of the ASEAN Medical Devices 2018. And Medical Conference It was held on July 13 at the 1-2 Impact Building Muang Thong Thani

Dr. Piyasakol said that the Ministry of Public Health focuses on the management and the development of the health system to be up to date. It also promotes innovative research, technology and new products in commercial production. Reduce the import of technology from abroad. The focus is on the development of medical and public health personnel. Increase the knowledge and skills of staff to work professionally. Complies with international standards. The event is a platform for exchanging knowledge and understanding about medical and public health technologies.

Meanwhile, Mr. Somchai said that the Ministry of Industry has established a plan to drive sustainable economies with 10 industries. Target The medical industry is integrated. This is one of the goals we want to develop in the healthcare sector. And health tourism Thailand already has a solid foundation. In order to make Thailand a sustainable international health center, Need to develop medical products that meet the needs of domestic users. Including technology and innovation. Develop to become a medical device manufacturer using advanced technologies and innovations. These products must be certified internationally and internationally. To raise Thailand as a fully integrated medical and health center of Asia

Loy Joon Howe, General Manager of IMPACT Exhibition Management Co., Ltd. Under the concept "Building the future of health care", we have gathered more than 150 companies and brands from around the world, including Germany, the United States, Japan, Italy, France and Korea. China, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, this exhibition also includes seminars promoting academic sectors. He also invited government agencies from ASEAN countries to discuss the need for medical devices and devices. Prepare the entrepreneur to penetrate the markets of overseas.

Prof. Dr. Thaninith Chotinphuti, Vice President of the Royal College of Orthopedic Surgeons of Thailand, "The Bad Leg in the Cured Child" with the aim of educating children in orthopedics. And develop the potential of Thai medical and public health personnel. Increase the efficiency of service to the public. The goal is to lead Thailand to become a medical center in Asia. For orthopedic physicians interested in attending this seminar, they will receive a CME rating for continuing education.

Ms. Nisha Payayavee Vice President of Business Promotion Department The conference and exhibition (Tesbabe) said that she was supporting the event. To provide opportunities for growth and development of innovation and technology in the field of medical apparatus and equipment in Thailand. This is thought to help strengthen and strengthen Thailand's position as a leader of ASEAN and Asia in the current medical services industry.

This work also belongs to the integrated medical services sector of Policy 4.0. Thailand is a regional medical center. Thailand is the center of international trade fairs of ASEAN. And it is the first job that Tesab can coordinate the government sector related to the medical industry to establish a booth. Provide services and facilitate the regulation of colleagues' affairs. It's the goal of Tesco to improve the role of facilitator for international exhibitions. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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