# 1 employee Ryan Graves found a job through a tweet


It would be a tweet of a billion dollars.

Here is some advice. write to me 🙂 graves.ryan[at]gmail.com

Graves, who was working at the time as a leader in an information technology management training program at General Electric, was hired.

On March 1st, 2010, he became the first employee at Uber thanks to this tweet.

"I was on Craigslist, Twitter and other channels looking for the right candidate," wrote Kalanick in a 2010 blog post on Uber's debut. "What resulted was the post and the answer from Awesomest that I've ever seen."

Of course, Uber is a multi-billion dollar company. It was valued at more than $ 75 billion, while its IPO was $ 45 billion. Stocks ranged between $ 42 and $ 44 when it began trading on the New York Stock Exchange on Friday.

Because of his involvement in society, Graves, 35, is a very wealthy man, worth over a billion dollars, according to Forbes.

Kalanick (worth more than $ 5 billion, according to Forbes) said Graves "hit ground" at Uber after he was hired. "From the day he started, we spent about 15 to 20 hours a week looking at the product, the driver boarding, the pricing model, the whole nine, and he learned the startup game quickly and worked tirelessly to build the Uber team and the success of its launch in San Francisco and its subsequent growth, "writes Kalanick in his 2010 blog post.

The Graves position at Uber has spent close to a year as CEO and nearly seven years as Senior Vice President of Global Operations.

Of course, the time when Graves was working at Uber was not without controversy and he announced his resignation from Uber in August 2017, two months after Kalanick was forced to resign when cultural surveys were conducted. Uber had revealed sexual harassment and discrimination.

"We should have taken more time to think about our mistakes and make changes together," said Graves in an email sent to Uber staff at the time. "There always seemed to be another goal, another target, another company, or another city to throw in. According to Confucius, reflection is the noblest way to learn wisdom, and fortunately our new thinking and introspection is became an asset to us and we have evolved and greatly increased. "

Graves still sits on the Uber Board of Directors. He now lives with his family in Hawaii, according to Forbes, and runs the investment company he founded, Saltwater. Saltwater's portfolio includes Fort Point Independent Beer Company, San Francisco Beer Company, Caliva Cannabis Company and Kindbody Women's Health and Fertility Services.

Although the tweet about Graves' money might look like a Silicon Valley fairy tale, it's not entirely unique. Adam Lyons was the founder of the new 25-year-old motor insurer, The Zebra, when he guessed Mark Cuban's e-mail address, drew him a note and eventually got an investment from the billionaire star of "Shark Tank", from ABC. And Elon Musk recently suggested to a Reddit user "should interview at Tesla" for the analysis that he has released of Tesla's self-driving car technology.

And it's not only Silicon Valley: Hafthor Bjornsson, who plays "The Mountain" on HBO's "Game of Thrones," was auditioned for the role via an unsolicited Facebook Messenger message.

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