14 new South Park movies arrive on Paramount +, series is renewed until 2027


South Park is not going anywhere. On Thursday, it was announced that Trey Parker and Matt Stone have signed a massive new deal with ViacomCBS that will keep the show on Comedy Central until 2027. Better yet, the deal also includes 14 originals. South Park movies to stream on Paramount + with plans to release two per year. Bloomberg pegged the deal at $ 900 million, making it one of the richest of all time.

“Matt and Trey are world-class creators who brilliantly use their outrageous humor to confuse the absurdities of our culture and we are excited to extend and deepen our long relationship with them to help power Paramount + and Comedy Central,” Chris McCarthy, president / CEO -MTV Entertainment & CCO / Adult Animation – Paramount +, said in a statement. “Franchise branded content such as South Park and developing new intellectual property with huge talents like Matt and Trey, is at the heart of our strategy to continue to grow Paramount +. “

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Parker and Stone added, “Comedy Central has been our home for 25 years and we’re really happy that they’ve made a commitment to us for the next 75 years. When we came to ViacomCBS with a different way of producing the show during the pandemic, Chris (McCarthy), Nina (Diaz), Keyes (Hill-Edgar) and Tanya (Giles) immediately backed us up and allowed us to try something new that turned out to be very welcome. back to the traditional episodes of South Park, but now we can also try new formats. It’s great to have partners who will always try their luck with us. “

We won’t have to wait too long for new movies to start dropping on Paramount +. The first two of the 14 in total South Park the films are slated to premiere on the streaming service in 2021, though exact dates have yet to be revealed. Recently, Parker and Stone have also had success with South Park specials that aired on Comedy Central separately from the TV series. Last year the show Pandemic Special became the # 1 scripted telecast of 2020. This year, South ParQ Vaccination Special is currently the best TV show of the year.

South Park premiered in 1997. Created by Parker and Stone, the series follows a group of rude school children and their adventures in and around the town of South Park, Colorado. Parker, Stone, Anne Garefino and Frank C. Agnone II are executive producers of South Park. Eric Stough, Adrien Beard, Bruce Howell and Vernon Chatman are producers. Chris Brion is the Creative Director of South Park Digital Studios.

There was an official South Park film released before this new deal. In 1999 Parker and Stone released South Park: bigger, longer and uncut in theaters. The film was a success but no sequel was ever made. Now we’re going to have a lot more movies coming up, starting this year.

It’s unclear when season 24 of South Park will begin airing on Comedy Central. While the pandemic has delayed the arrival of the full season, the good news is that these concerns appear to be over with the massive new deal. With two films coming out a year in addition to new episodes in the series until 2027, we’re going to be receiving tons of South Park In the years to come. This news comes to us from Deadline.

Subjects: South Park


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