14-year-old suspect arrested in Indiana after missing 6-year-old found dead


The girl was reported missing from the Chapman St. area of ​​New Carlisle, Indiana, around 6:30 p.m. and was found dead about two hours later, according to a press release from the deputy commander of the county’s homicide unit. of St. Joseph, Dave Wells.

New Carlisle is approximately 15 miles west of South Bend.

An autopsy is scheduled for Sunday, the statement said.

The department is not releasing any names or additional details at this time, Wells said.

Police are asking anyone with information about the case to call the homicide unit while the investigation is ongoing.

Neighbors who live in the complex near the woods where the girl was found called the incident “disturbing”.

“Very disturbing, very scary these days with things going on, you don’t know what’s going to happen. It can happen anywhere, anytime,” CNN affiliate neighbor Allie Sadler said. , WBND. “I think it was very suddenly quiet here.”


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