15 years of satellite data confirm recent statistics on global warming


As the global scientific community suggests, there is no cause for surprise, the new satellite data telemetry unequivocally supports the evidence that Earthbound weather station thermometers track the effects of global warming caused by climate change. climate change induced by humans on our planet.

New data from NASA's Aqua satellite – launched in 2002 – indicate that temperatures are rising even faster than previously documented, according to a report by Ars Technica.

Meteorological teams from around the world – including the Japan Meteorological Agency, the National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the National Aeronautical Administration and the Space (NASA) and the UK Met Office – have long maintained independent and comprehensive surface temperature data sets revealing only fractional differences in our planet's global warming trend rate.

Marginal researchers mindful of climatic plots, however, continue to insist that the data sets of temperature measurement – including the disappearance of glaciers, the rise in sea level and changes in the pattern of animal migration – simply constitute manipulated information intended to create the appearance of an environmental crisis, according to Ars Technica.

New comparisons between long-standing data sets on Earth-related climate change and those provided by instruments mounted on NASA's satellite satellite Aqua satellite measuring surface infrared radiation reveal that the millions of data points provided by tens of thousands of measurements of fully accurate weather stations.

And the data provided by Aqua suggest an even faster temperature increase than that recorded by surface weather stations.

"We may underestimate how much hotter [the Arctic’s] summer, said Gavin Schmidt, director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, quoted by the Washington Post.

Aqua data dating back about fifteen years now available, new comparisons with long-term surface temperature records are now possible, according to reports.

Led by NASA scientist Joel Susskind, a weather team compared Aqua satellite data to thousands of datasets on the Earth's surface temperature over the last two decades.

Aqua's results confirm that surface temperature data provides an accurate picture of the global temperature increase currently underway on Earth.

The new report "should help dispel any lingering worries about global warming by locating sensors in urban heat islands or by other measurement errors on the surface," said researcher Zeke Hausfather of the University of California at Berkeley, quoted by Washpost. com.


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