150 spring breakers arrested amid Miami Beach party chaos


About 150 people were arrested in Miami Beach over the weekend as crowds of unruly spring breakers swarmed the city.

Friday marked the craziest day in the party hotspot, with around 120 people arrested and two police officers injured in clashes with revelers, Local 10 News reported.

“It’s a really tough situation,” Miami Beach Mayor Dan Gelber said of the weekend debauchery.

“A lot of people come here and they come here with bad intentions,” he said, according to another report from the outlet.

The city is under a midnight curfew amid the pandemic.

Police officers who were injured attempted to make an arrest when they were attacked, authorities said.

“The crowd ended up attacking the officers who were there,” Miami Beach Police spokesman Ernesto Rodriguez said, according to the report.

Friday’s rallies led police in some areas to deploy pepperballs to disperse the crowds.

On Saturday, another 30 people were arrested.

Gelber, the mayor, has warned potential spring breakers that more arrests will be made if they continue to disobey the laws.

“If you come here because you think everything is fine, you are going to have a terrible time. We will arrest you, ”he said.


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