170 other Twitter CEOs say abortion bans "bad business"


Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and more than 180 other business executives on Monday published a one-page ad in the New York Times calling on companies to defend abortion rights.

"Equality in the workplace is one of the most important business problems of our time," reads the letter. "When everyone is empowered to succeed, our businesses, communities and economy are better."

"Restricting access to comprehensive reproductive care, including abortion, threatens the health, independence and economic stability of our employees and our clients," the letter continues. "In simple terms, it goes against our values ​​and is bad for business."

According to Do not Ban Ban Equality, the coalition responsible for advertising is a response to "an alarming trend of nationwide prohibitions of passage that limit access to comprehensive reproductive health care, including HIV and AIDS." 'abortion".

In recent months, Ohio, Georgia, Louisiana, Missouri, Kentucky and Mississippi have all passed fetal heartbeat laws prohibiting abortion after six to eight weeks of conception. . Alabama has adopted a total ban on abortion unless the health of the mother is in danger, with no exceptions in case of rape or incest.

The attack on anti-abortion laws provoked negative reactions from major film companies such as Disney and Netflix, who threatened to stop production in Georgia if its abortion law prevailed. (Prime access).

Read the full letter below:


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