2 members of Congress fly to Kabul amid chaotic evacuation


WASHINGTON (AP) – Two members of Congress unexpectedly flew to Kabul airport amid the chaotic evacuation underway on Tuesday, stunning the State Department and US military personnel who had to divert resources to provide security and information to lawmakers, US officials said.

Representative Seth Moulton, D-Mass., And Representative Peter Meijer, R-Mich., Circled back and forth on charter planes and remained on the ground at Kabul airport for several hours. This led to officials complaining that they could take seats that would otherwise have been reserved for other Americans or Afghans fleeing the country, but members of Congress said in a joint statement they were careful to leave. on a flight with empty seats.

“As members of Congress, we have a duty to monitor the executive,” the two men said in their statement. “We made this visit in secret, speaking only after we left, to minimize risk and disruption to people on the ground, and because we were there to gather information, not to speak. “

Both lawmakers are both military veterans, with backgrounds in the region. Moulton, a Marine who openly criticized the Iraq war, has toured Iraq several times. Meijer was deployed as part of the Army Reserves and then worked in Afghanistan with a non-governmental organization providing aid. Both sit on the House Armed Services Committee.

Three officials familiar with the theft said State Department, Defense Department and White House officials were furious at the incident because it occurred without coordination with diplomats or military commanders leading the flight. ‘evacuation.

The US military discovered the visit as the lawmakers plane arrived in Kabul, officials said. Officials spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss ongoing military operations.

A senior U.S. official said the administration viewed the visit by lawmakers as patently unnecessary and several other officials said the visit was seen as a distraction for troops and airport commanders who are racing against time to evacuate thousands of Americans, at-risk Afghans and others as quickly as possible.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi released a statement Tuesday evening noting the desire of some lawmakers to visit Afghanistan and stating that she was writing to “reiterate that defense and state ministries have asked MPs not to visit Afghanistan and the region during this time of danger. Ensuring the safe and rapid evacuation of those at risk requires the full focus and attention of US military and diplomatic teams on the ground in Afghanistan. “

The Pentagon has repeatedly expressed concerns about security threats in Kabul, including from the Islamic State group. Where members of Congress have visited war zones on a regular basis over the past two decades, their visits are usually long-planned and coordinated with officials on the ground to ensure their safety.

President Joe Biden said on Tuesday he was meeting his August 31 deadline to complete the risky airlift as people flee Taliban-controlled Afghanistan.

The two members of Congress said they began their visit by wanting to “push the president to extend the August 31 deadline.” After speaking with the field commanders and seeing the situation here, it’s obvious that because we started the evacuation so late, no matter what we do, we won’t get everyone out on time, even from here. September 11th.


Associated Press editors Lisa Mascaro and Matthew Lee contributed to this report.


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