2 Seattle police officers who illegally entered the Capitol on January 6 have been fired


The two Seattle police officers who allegedly stormed the Capitol during the Jan.6 uprising were fired on Friday.

The Seattle Office of Police Accountability (OPA) began investigating ex-officers Caitlin and Alexander Everett, who are married, just days after the attack on the Capitol after the Seattle Police Department was informed that the couple was in Washington, DC on Jan.6. Friday marks the first time the identity of the couple has been revealed.

Seattle Police Chief Adrian Diaz said the two “walked through outside barriers set by Capitol Police and were right next to the Capitol,” according to his statement on Friday.

The trip became public after Caitlin Everett posted a photo of the protest on Facebook. She reportedly defended her actions by claiming that she was first alerted to his intrusion when she read a news article announcing the start of the OPA investigation.

“It is beyond the absurd to suggest that they did not know they were in an area where they should not be, in the midst of what was already a violent criminal riot,” he said. he adds.

Diaz apologized to the Capitol Police, who suffered a wave of abuse during and after the insurgency.

“On behalf of the Seattle Police Department, I send my apologies to the Capitol Police, Washington DC Metropolitan Police, Virginia State Police and all other agencies that have put themselves in danger. to protect the Capitol and who continue to bear the scars of this day, “he said.

The couple were among six police officers present during President TrumpDonald Trump’s watchdog DHS blames data management for difficult PPE distribution: Trump report urges supporters to buy misspelled ‘official Trump card’ In tribute to Susan Collins’ persistent bipartisanship MORE“Stop the Steal,” according to the AP. It was found that three officers did not violate any policies or engage in illegal activities. The violations of the last officer are inconclusive.


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