20 times Justin Timberlake exhibited awkward behavior


This post is for Justin Timberlake: KEEP. BRITNEY’S. LAST NAME. OUTSIDE. YA. MOUTH!


When Justin accidentally exposed Janet Jackson’s nipple at the Super Bowl XXXVIII halftime show (aka Nipplegate) and then was invited to star in the Super Bowl LII halftime show:

Frank Micelotta / Getty Images, Christopher Polk / Getty Images

Meanwhile, Janet hasn’t been invited to star in a Super Bowl halftime show since Nipplegate.


Then, the same year, when Justin was allowed to attend the 2004 Grammy Awards – and to issue a public apology – but Janet Jackson was not allowed to attend:

Hector Mata / Getty Images

The double standard is PALPABLE!


When Justin was asked if he had “fucked Britney Spears” on a radio show, he braggedly replied, “OK, yes I did!”

Dave Hogan / Getty Images


When Justin released his music video “Cry Me a River” which was obviously a response to his breakup with Britney:


Why he watches his shower … is still a mystery?


When Justin then released his “What Goes Around … Comes Around” music video about a girl he “was ready to [give] her name ”and resulted in her death in a car accident after their relationship ended:


“Tale as old as time, girl you got what you deserved.” EUH, WHAT?


When Justin was caught holding hands Palmer costar, Alisha Wainwright, while Jessica Biel was pregnant with their second child:


When Justin released his pop single “Take Back the Night”, which is also the name of a major anti-rape organization:


He then apologized, stating that he had never heard of the organization and “that neither of them [his] nor his words have any connection with the organization. “


When Justin responded to Jesse Williams’ speech on police brutality with “we are the human race”:

I forget this forum sometimes … I was really inspired by @iJesseWilliams talk because I really feel that we are all one … A human race

Twitter: @jtimberlake

Williams’ speech was after being honored with the BET Humanitarian Award.


When Justin emulated Rihanna’s mother’s Bajan accent by accepting her AMA for Best Male Soul / R & B Artist:

Watch this video on YouTube


“How cute is Rihanna’s mom? She’s so proud.”


When Justin reportedly called Prince on “Give It to Me” with the lyrics: We missed you on the charts last week, damn it’s true you weren’t there / don’t hate me just because you didn’t make it up …


This was allegedly in response to Justin’s release of his single “SexyBack” and Prince stating, “For anyone who claims they bring back sexy ‘,’ sexy is never gone!”


When Justin accepted the Golden Globe for Best Original Song in a Movie in Prince’s Name and leaned lower – mimicking his 5’2 “stature – to agree:


When Justin released a hologram of Prince during that Super Bowl halftime performance, even though the singer said, before his death, that the whole practice was “demonic”:

Timothy A. Clary / Getty Images


Then, to add salt to the wound, when Justin greeted her Man of the woods Listening evening at Paisley Park, Prince’s former “creative sanctuary and production complex”:

Christopher Polk / Getty Images


When Justin dedicated this # TIMESUP / # WhyWeWearBlack IG post to his “sexy wife”:


When Justin kissed Jessica Simpson to win a bet with Ryan Gosling:


“I knew Justin Timberlake very well. … After my divorce and he was out of relationship, he was at my house and we shared a nostalgic kiss. And I thought, ‘Oh, that’s interesting.’ [But then] he pulled out his phone and started typing … apparently he and Ryan Gosling had bet on who would kiss me first when I was 12, so he texted Ryan to tell him that he had won the bet. “


When Justin kept cutting SZA as she answered a question Ellen was asking him DIRECTLY, and did so using a “black cent”:


When Justin made this straightforward comment on “having his cake and eating it too” while working on a project with Woody Allen:

@jtimberlake The saying means, for example, that you can’t support #TIMESUP and praise sexual predators at the same time. You cannot maintain your credibility as an activist (i.e. – keep the cake) and at the same time praise a sexual predator (i.e. eat the cake).

Twitter: @RealDylanFarrow

ICYMI, Dylan Farrow is the daughter-in-law of Woody Allen, ie the “sexual predator” in question.


When Justin shadowed the Vegas residences, saying it’s like “… you’re planning for retirement. You know what I mean?”

Christopher Polk / Getty Images

Of course, Britney had one of the most successful Vegas residences in recent history.


When Justin inducted Madonna into the Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame and felt the urge to say it in his speech, “The world has always been full of Madonna wannabes. I could even have dated a couple.”

Rock n Roll Hall of Fame, Christopher Polk / FilmMagic

One way or another, in a speech celebrating a phenomenal woman, he demolishes other women …


And, let’s not forget, the infamous Barbara Walters interview:


Did Barbara interview Britney after their public breakup? The answer is no.

Here it is for you guys! Do what you want with this information.

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