2019 AAPL shareholders meeting: new features of the iPad Pro, controversy on philanthropy, Apple's health incentive


Apple held its annual meeting of shareholders at the Steve Jobs Theater at Apple Park. While Tim Cook expressed his enthusiasm as he went on stage, the meeting quickly allowed some shareholders to discuss controversial topics. The meeting also gave rise to a vote on whether Apple's board of directors should be required to disclose ideological information about the candidates. And we also heard the new feature of the iPad Pro coming from Craig Federighi.

Ian Sherr from CNET Tim Cook came on stage with the energy of a product launch: "I love this meeting because I can see some of my old friends here that I may not see that anymore. ;once a year."

Apple's general counsel, Kate Adams, then took over the business part of the meeting. A debate began on the idea that Apple would need "more conservatives on the board".

Another shareholder said he did not agree with Apple giving a million dollars to the Southern Poverty Law Center, whose mission is to "fight hatred, teach tolerance and demand justice."

Someone else made another controversial statement by asserting that Apple's policy on diversity was "sexist and racist."

As the situation became more positive and more focused on Apple, Craig Federighi asked us to transfer video to the iPad Pro via USB-C.

But rather than talking about video output to external devices, it seems like the question was how to transfer video files via the USB-C port of the iPad Pro.

As for the vote asking Apple's board to disclose ideological information about the candidates, it was rejected by the vast majority of shareholders.

Cook said the company would continue to "distinguish between well-being and health". Earlier, Apple's CEO said his "greatest contribution to humanity" would be health-focused.

Mr. Cook also took advantage of this meeting to recall Apple's values ​​of confidentiality, capitalism, diversity, immigration and the environment.

In a comic note about Apple and privacy, Sean Montgomery pointed out how the men's bathroom booths are luxurious and "private" at the Steve Jobs Theater.

Top image via Sean Montgomery

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