2021 MLB Draft: Tigers select RHP Jackson Jobe with third overall pick


With the third overall pick in the 2021 draft, the Detroit Tigers have selected high school right-hander Jackson Jobe. An 18 year old from Heritage Hall High School, he has been linked to the team time and time again for weeks and is now the newest member of the Tigers organization.

Jobe has the best pure stuff in the 2021 draft class, with a mix of pitch that includes fastball, slider, curveball, and shifting. He throws them with an elite spin and gets a lot of movement on his breaking stuff. The slider is said to have peaked at 3000 RPM and is undoubtedly its no shrinkage. It’s also capable of pumping at high speeds when needed and already runs 97 miles per hour despite its immature build. As a good athlete on the mound with repeatable delivery, the building blocks are there for him to develop above average control as well.

One cause for concern aside from the obvious risk that accompanies any high school pitcher is the fact that his fastball motion profile is not ideal for a modern pitcher. The best at-batting pitchers throw up fastballs, while Jobe’s tails pull away from the batter. The pitch is not likely to attract as many puffs as one might assume based on its spin rates and excellent velocity.

The league’s crackdown on the use of sticky substances to alter turnover rates is likely to be annoyed, but this is unlikely to be an issue with Jobe. The alteration of the ball is very rare at the secondary level. Even if he used the most effective substances, reducing the spin by giving up the cold turkey would still leave him with rates well above average.

What makes this choice confusing is that the Tigers are said to have been in love with shortstop Marcelo Mayer, who was to be the first overall pick and was still on the board when they selected Jobe. . Many felt that it was essentially common knowledge that Detroit would pick Mayer regardless of whether he was available with the third pick, so the fact that they dropped him is a shock.

The probable reasoning behind this choice is twofold. First of all, the Tigers are confident in their ability to develop pitchers, and Jobe could be a real monster if he hits his peak. Second, Jobe’s signing bonus will almost certainly be much less than the value of his slot machine. So, they can spend a lot on future picks when a talented player inevitably falls below their expected draft range.

Read our full profile of Jackson Jobe here.


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