24 US accused in a $ 1.2 billion health plan


Federal officials announced Tuesday that they have dismantled a $ 1.2 billion Medicare program spanning several continents and trapped hundreds of thousands of elderly and unsuspecting disabled patients.

As part of this program, considered by the authorities as one of the biggest health care frauds in the history of the United States, doctors have prescribed orthotics for the back, shoulders , wrists and knees that were not necessary, said prosecutors. Twenty-four people were charged, according to the Ministry of Justice.

"These defendants – ranging from business executives to health professionals – allegedly participated in a sophisticated and sophisticated fraud aimed at exploiting telemedicine technology for patients who would otherwise not have access to medical care. "said Brian Benczkowski, deputy attorney general of the department's criminal division, in a report.

Some of the defendants owned sustainable medical equipment companies that paid bribes and bribes to doctors for prescribing medically unnecessary orthotics, authorities said.

An international telemarketing network with call centers in the Philippines and Latin America would reach Medicare beneficiaries, persuading them to get free or low-cost devices. Doctors sometimes wrote prescriptions without speaking to the patient.

"The defendants took advantage of unconscious patients who were simply trying to get relief from their health problems," said Craig Carpenito, the New Jersey US attorney, in a statement. "Instead, the defendants took advantage of their weakened state and advanced millions of dollars in unnecessary medical devices, which Medicare paid, and then put in place an elaborate system for laundering their ill-gotten products."

The defendants have laundered the proceeds of the sale through international shell companies and have used the money to buy exotic cars, yachts and luxury properties around the world, authorities said.

Prosecutors have laid charges for bribes, illegal bribes, money laundering and conspiracy to commit health-care fraud against women. of people in California, Florida, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, South Carolina and Texas.

The indicted included chief executive officers or employees of five telemedicine companies, the owners of dozens of sustainable medical equipment companies and three licensed health professionals, said the Department of Justice .

In Florida, Willie McNeal IV, owner and CEO of two telemedicine companies, hired health care providers and then paid them for prescribing protective devices for Medicare beneficiaries, which 39, whether medically necessary or not, according to an indictment. Mr McNeal would then receive illegal bribes in exchange for ordering those braces, the indictment said.

McNeal, 42, has facilitated the submission of nearly $ 250 million of fraudulent Medicare claims, the government said. When found guilty, the government was asking Mr. McNeal to waive profits from illegal bribes and any property purchased with this product, including 10 properties in Florida.

During a telephone interview Tuesday, John Lauro, attorney representing Mr. McNeal, said that he could not comment in detail on the allegations, but that he was disappointed with the decision of the Department of Justice to arrest Mr. McNeal without notice, or opportunity to explain himself.

"They simply stopped without asking any questions or giving the client an opportunity to talk about the business model of telemedicine," Lauro said.

In South Carolina, more than a dozen 43-year-old businesses owned by Andrew Chmiel, have billed Medicare over $ 200 million as part of a scheme to sell the drug. medically unnecessary material, according to an indictment. The indictment provided for the confiscation of three property, six cars and nearly two dozen bank accounts, if Mr. Chmiel were found guilty.

Mr. Chmiel's attorney stated that he was reviewing the indictment, but did not immediately comment on the charges.

The alleged scheme was investigated by F.B.I. and the Inspector General of the Department of Health and Social Services, and is sued by the Department of Justice. Theirs. and 17 American law firms also took part in the crackdown.


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