25% off a pair of Sonos One speakers to irritate the old


Welcome to CHEAP, our series about things that are good but not expensive. CHEAP!

Agree, agree, agree – here's something you'll like (wow, what a poem!): A pair of smart speakers Sonos One for just $ 300, an economy 25%. Mmm.

If you live under a rock, Sonos is one of the most well-known companies in the connected audio industry. The company has been creating fantastic products for years that fill the music scene (and annoy the elderly) – and the Sonos One speakers are no exception to this trend.

Basically, not only do these badgals sound fantastic, but they connect to each other. It means that you can control the music played where, which – and let's be honest here – is futuristic.

In addition, Sonos One speakers are supported by Alexa – so avoid using your hands as a gardener to choose and listen to songs. That's not all that Alexa can do. The voice-activated wizard can use Sonos One speakers to inform you about the weather, read news, or even scroll through a recipe while you're cooking. And this is just the beginning, there are hundreds of thousands of different things you can do with Alexa.

It's really easy to set up and use Sonos that sets it apart from others. For a lot of people, setting up a smart home audio system looks like a royal arch. Sonos One speakers make things easier. You put them in the rooms of your choice, you connect them to Wi-Fi, you link your streaming accounts, and that's it. Your connected music system is ready.

Therefore, if you want to change the audio configuration of your home, now install a pair of Sonos One speakers for only $ 300, thus saving you $ 100. You'll love the jump in audio quality, even if the old and the old may not be so happy with your delicious songs.

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Posted on May 5, 2019 – 12:00 UTC


ProductOne by Sonos


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