3 fully vaccinated Texas Democrats in DC test positive for Covid


Three fully vaccinated members of the Texas delegation tested positive for Covid-19, the state’s House Democratic Caucus said on Saturday.

The first positive test result came on Friday evening when a member informed the caucus that he had the coronavirus.

“Caucus members and staff underwent a rapid test, which all came back negative,” the house said in a statement.

But on Saturday morning, two other fully vaccinated members reported positive test results. The names of the three people were not disclosed.

The caucus said it would follow current guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention which state that fully vaccinated people who are exposed to the virus do not need to take additional precautions unless they begin to exhibit symptoms. symptoms.

“The House Democratic Caucus follows all CDC guidelines and protocols,” President Chris Turner said in a statement.

“It’s a sober reminder that Covid is always with us, and while vaccinations offer tremendous protection, we still need to take the necessary precautions. We are in contact with public health experts in Texas to provide further advice.” , he added. “Our caucus will follow all recommendations from public health experts as we continue our work. “

Part of the delegation had meetings this week with Senator Joseph Manchin, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Vice President Kamala Harris. It is not clear if any of these members who tested positive were present at the meetings.

It is a story of rupture; come back for updates.


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