3 Life Science Stocks Cathy Wood’s Buying Hand Over Fist right now


Cathy Wood did a lot of shopping last week for life science stocks. There can be no assurance that these three elements will help ARK Invest ETFs more than double in value this year, but they could.

Over the course of several days last week, Wood has significantly added to a handful of different life science positions. Read on to see why she can’t seem to get enough of these three.

Three life science professionals examining stocks on a laptop.

Image source: Getty Images.

Ginkgo Bioworks

Ginkgo Bioworks is still a private company, but not for very long. An ad hoc acquisition company called Soaring Eagle Acquisition Corp. (NASDAQ: SRNG) will soon take on this new audience in synthetic biology with the ticker symbol “DNA” and an expected proceeds of $ 2.5 billion.

Ginkgo Bioworks helps companies in various industries to create new strains of microorganisms like yeast to produce specific high added value ingredients. For example, Ginko Bioworks has teamed up with another synthetic biology start-up called Antheia to help them produce a new strain of yeast that produces raw ingredients used to make pharmaceuticals.

Ginkgo Bioworks aims far beyond the pharmaceutical industry. The company is also partnering with a synthetic biology company called Bolt Threads to help them breed an organism that produces extra strong silk. With a finger in dozens of different pies, it’s no wonder Wood doesn’t seem to have enough of this stock.


As Ginko Bioworks shows us, automation is playing an increasingly important role in new drug discovery and life science industries. This is why Wood took up shares of UiPath (NYSE: PATH) left and right. This company helps life science companies and other employers with a lot of data to manage to eliminate manual and mundane tasks from their employees’ list of job responsibilities.

Life sciences and other niche companies looking to automate digital tasks are finding their way to UiPath’s doorstep. This is because their employees do not need to speak a special programming language to design and implement custom automation processes.

A June first quarter tax report wasn’t as stunning as investors had hoped it would be, but it was still good enough. Annual recurring revenue or ARR increased 64% year-over-year to $ 653 million in the three months ended April 30, 2021.

With relatively reliable subscription income from a rapidly growing customer base, it’s easy to see why Wood enthusiastically bought UiPath shares five times for three different ARK Invest funds last week.

Investors choose stocks.

Image source: Getty Images.

Adaptive biotechnologies

Your immune system watches cancer much better than anything humans have invented. Rather than trying to beat nature at its own game, Adaptive biotechnologies (NASDAQ: ADPT) learns to read the signs that the adaptive immune system emits in response to specific diseases.

This niche in life sciences is still in its infancy, but demand for the company’s immune receptor products is growing rapidly. The company expects its revenue to skyrocket 52% year-over-year to around $ 150 million in 2021.

The way oncologists monitor cancer patients in remission for signs of recurrence has improved a lot in recent years thanks in large part to advances in immunosequencing made by this company. Adaptive Biotechnologies’ platform reads genetic material from patient samples for biopharmaceutical companies, academic researchers and clinicians.

The company’s immunoSEQ product already knows more about immune receptors than its potential competitors and is learning more every day. Data gleaned from immunoSEQ services also informs the company’s highly successful diagnostic product, clonoSEQ. This test tells oncologists whether any of the immune cells have been specialized to attack cancer, a process that begins long before patients show visible signs of recurrence.

Adaptive Biotechnologies, like the other stocks on this list, carries a market valuation that has great future success. Wood has bought these stocks lately, but none weigh more than a few percent of all ARK Invest ETFs. Likewise, limiting your own exposure is also probably a good idea.

This article represents the opinion of the author, who may disagree with the “official” recommendation position of a premium Motley Fool consulting service. We are motley! Challenging an investment thesis – even one of our own – helps us all to think critically about investing and make decisions that help us become smarter, happier, and richer.


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