3 zodiac signs that hurt the ones they love as of October 4, 2021


For some zodiac signs that are hurting their loved ones from October 4, 2021, Moon Trine Pluto is all you need to build momentum – if your intention is to hurt another person on Monday.

This transit accelerates emotion, and when our emotions are ruled by Pluto in Capricorn, then we are in contact with our darker side.

Now is a good time to “sit this one” so to speak. In other words, we risk hurting the people we love during this transit, and unless it sounds like fun and games, maybe it’s best to think before we speak.

Pluto, in this case, has a strong influence on how we feel about opinions – yours, mine, and theirs. During Moon Trine Pluto, we can’t help but feel “good” – about everything.

We become the world’s greatest authority on everything, and as obnoxious as it may sound, it gets even better when we start to make our way through our love life.

If you’ve always wanted to “change” your partner, but thought about it better, this is the time when you will have the courage to be as insulting and out of place as you want.

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