3 zodiac signs who return with an ex from October 6, 2021


The New Moons mark the start of your next journey, and for some zodiac signs that return with an ex on New Moon in Libra from October 6, 2021, the stars refer to the past.

Typically, we see the end coming to an end before the New Moon and anticipate the entry of new energy into our lives as we enter the next phase. It is with the old and with the new.

However, some under the zodiac did not receive the memo.

There are two aspects during this New Moon in Libra that can bring certain zodiac signs into contact with unfinished business involving the past and an old relationship.

The Moon in Libra will be the square of Pluto, the planet of transformation and change.

Pluto is also the planet that rules reincarnation, past lives and taboos. It can also reveal secrets that provide new layers of information that was hidden before someone changed their mind.

The Moon will also speak to the Ascendant, which is related to a person’s past life and identity.

The Moon is also a symbol of the past, so emotions on ex-loves can return to the hard core again.

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