3 zodiac signs who will find the courage to start again in love from August 8, 2021


Three zodiac signs will find the courage to start all over in love during the New Moon in Leo from August 8, 2021.

The New Moon in Leo is going to bring quite intense and uplifting energy to several signs, as several difficult aspects can create inner tension and frustration.

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This energy will bring clarity in some areas of your life, but confusion in other areas.

The New Moon in Leo brings courage to the zodiac signs Leo, Pisces and Virgo and the strength to start a new chapter of love is manifesting.

Mercury in Leo will form a Yod aspect with Neptune in Pisces and Pluto in Capricorn, which can lead to difficulty expressing yourself and the way you go about it.

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Pluto may ask you to take control of the idealistic visions and dreams that Neptune brings to you, in a practical and grounded way.

But when it comes to expressing them or manifesting them in your reality, you may find yourself stuck or not wanting to try something different than you normally would.


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