3 zodiac signs who will have a rough day on August 5, 2021


Sad times for three zodiac signs who will have a tough day starting August 5, 2021.

Things are going to hit hard, and yes, we need a change, but sometimes when it happens so quickly it can feel like an unwanted curse and something that is more of an inconvenience than a blessing.

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Thursday will be a rocky, emotional and borderline complex for the zodiac signs Aries, Taurus and Leo.

In astrology, there are a few things that explain what happens when each of these zodiac signs raise their hands in the air making a smh on the hand that they are dealt before the end of the day.

The cancerous Moon in harmony with two bad moms in astrology – Mars, the planet of war and Uranus, the planet of chaos is part of that disruptive energy that puts these usually weighted zodiac signs in the arms.

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If you are friends with any of these three zodiac signs, send flowers, be thoughtful in your text, and don’t take their silence personally.

Uranus and Mars remove the bandage in an area of ​​life that needed focus and attention, and it begins to move life in a new direction, but the “tone” the universe has decided to take seems more abrupt. than a mother who says “clean your room” as soon as you have already started collecting garbage and collecting dirty laundry.

It’s kind of an insult to the injury and like a splash of cold water to the face, the wake-up call has been announced. All zodiac signs will hear it, but Aries, Taurus, and Leo will hear it the most.


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