3 zodiac signs who will have a tough day on October 7, 2021


With the New Moon out of the way and Venus in Sagittarius reigning on the perch, we may be looking for a few gaiters of lovers heading our way, as well as some serious misunderstandings that could lead to further damage.

What are the three zodiac signs that will have a rough day on October 7, 2021?

While not that bad, this day does come with its intensity for Taurus, Aquarius, and Pisces.

Since the Moon is now in Scorpio, and for all zodiac signs, it means trouble, ego, and even a little bit of bitter talk.

In other words, prepare to scold. This day is going to have its moment of confrontation, and a choice as to how we treat it.

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With Venus in Sagittarius, you might think everything is going to be all in love, but there are some signs that don’t follow that train of thought, and given that we also have Moon Square Saturn, we can expect some craziness in the mix as well.

Crazy as in “overreacting”, “overreacting” and “bad judgment calls”. We’ll all survive the day, but some of us might not make it unless we do a little damage.

Zodiac signs that will have a rough day on October 7, 2021:

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Scorpio Moon makes you feel like a squirrel, Taurus, and by that it means you’ll be on edge, waiting for something negative to happen.

It is as if you can feel it in your bones; you just can’t trust the day and you “know in your heart that something bad is going to happen.”


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