3 zodiac signs who will have the worst love life during Leo season starting July 22, 2021


Three zodiac signs will have the worst love life during Leo season starting July 22, 2021. And, romance can be non-existent for a variety of reasons, according to astrology.

The Leo season begins on July 22 and lasts until August 22, and so for 30 days, three horoscopes will have to hang on.

The good news is that they might not focus on lovemaking for about a month.

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Instead, other areas of their life will skyrocket, and overall this will balance out the negative energy felt during the Sun’s solar transit in Leo.

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There are several factors that come into play whenever a new solar season begins. Astrologers look to the dominant planets, Venus and Mars. So of course we also have to consider what Saturn is doing.

Saturn has the unfortunate habit of suppressing a person’s pleasure because hard work is required. And we can’t focus on career, work, and family when our hearts are overflowing with love.

So who are going to be the most unhappy zodiac signs of all when it comes to the twelve horoscopes in astrology?

Cancer, Virgo and Scorpio, sad to say that the next month is going to be quite painful, but in the end your pockets will be fuller, your house in order, and maybe sacrificing love for the sake of progress will be done. the worst love life. during the Lion season is worth it.


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