32 products with review photos to prove they will improve the look of your home


Promising results: “Despite our constant efforts, it took almost a year to teach our new dog not to jump out the back door. And as you can see in the first photo, he managed to do a lot of scratching. C This is why I bought this marker kit, to repair these scratches. I used “oak”, a lighter color, on the scratches. It took me about 10 minutes in total. I bought the kit with the wax crayons because I was hoping to fill in the scratches too, I read in another review that it is possible but takes a lot of work. Unless I look for the flaws, I no longer notice the scratches (and be careful, these are at eye level) so this did the job I wanted. “-P. Ratliff

Get a set of 13 markers and wax sticks from Amazon for $ 9.99.


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