343 Industries Says Halo Infinite Will Be A "Spiritual Restart"


If you have always wanted to prove that Halo Infinity will be a new starting point for the Halo Series, 343 Indistrued has just provided the proof itself. In an interview with IGN, 343 heads Bonnie Ross talk about the game with new clarity and details that we had never known before, and one of the first things that was said in the interview was this quote.

"We call this a" spiritual restart, "Ross said. It's a bit like that we talk about it. "

Halo: Infinite
credit // 343 Industries

It makes sense when we look at what they will do, first by making a launch title for the next Xbox consoles, and starting from scratch with something that is not a direct result of Halo 5. Does that mean that Halo 6 is out of the table? Probably not since this story is still open and must be closed. But the idea that 343 wants to create a new collection and bring back the fans they may have refused with the last turnout is a good starting point, as Ross mentions below.

"There was a lot of introspective time to really think about what was done as 343," Ross told IGN. "Where did we make mistakes? Where did we hit the right? What does Halo mean to all of us? This trailer [for Halo Infinite] We did what Halo means for the studio … Maybe it took us two games to get there and I think we did good and bad things, but what does Halo mean to us? There is hope, wonder, heroism, humanity, community, and rally. That's what this trailer is, and that's what we want to do. "

About Gavin Sheehan

Gavin is a longtime geek who can talk to you about comics, television, video games and even professional wrestling. He can also teach you how to play Star Trek chess, be your Mercy on Overwatch, recommend cool music at random and become mean in D & D. He also enjoys stand-up comedy, Let's videos. # 39; s Play and try new games, as well as hundreds of other geek things that can not be covered in one paragraph. Follow @TheGavinSheehan on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Vero for random images and insights.

(Last update 1st March 2019 at 14:46 )

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