36 of the best new iOS 15 features for iPhone


Image from article titled 36 of the Best New iOS 15 Features for iPhone

Photo: Nicole Lienemann (Shutterstock)

Technically, this entry should focus on the new design changes Apple has made to Safari. However, many of us will find these changes lacking. In fact, you might find them downright unintuitive, like the way Apple placed the URL menu bar at the bottom of the page. No matter how long I tried, I never got used to this design; I always instinctively reached for the top of the phone to go to a new website.

Fortunately, Apple allows you bring the url bar back to where it was, in case you, like me, can’t afford the changes. To be fair, I see where Apple was going with this. Bringing the URL bar to the bottom makes it easier to access one-handed and lets you switch tabs just as you switch apps. Sadly, that just didn’t work out for many of us.


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