& # 39; & # 39 Peril!; Champion James Holzhauer is dethroned: NPR


The popular TV game Peril! has a new unnamed champion James Holzhauer.

Las Vegas sports bettor James Holzhauer, 34, who made himself famous by breaking previous records, saw his chance run out on Monday when challenger Emma Boettcher, a Chicago librarian beaten down.

Holzhauer, 32-time champion, set a record of $ 131,127 in a single game, almost double the previous $ 77,000 regular day. He also holds the 16 best one-day scores in the history of Peril!

In April, Holzhauer told NPR's Merrit Kennedy how he continued to win:

"All good professional players are selectively aggressive, you have to pick your seats and bet big when you identify them," NPR told NPR by email. "That's basically my Jeopardy strategy.

"Holzhauer starts by choosing the highest value indexes on the six-by-five chart." Competitors generally started with the lowest value of a category and then worked up to the table. the most precious ones.

"You need a decent sized bankroll to bet with profit, that's why I start at the bottom of the table," he says.This bankroll pays off when he hits a "Daily Double", a question in which he can bet more if he already has more money in his pocket and he regularly bets all he has. "

In the end, Holzhauer left the game show with more than $ 2.46 million in 32 games. The best winner of the regular season was Ken Jennings with $ 2.52 million on 74 games in 2004.

"I really had the impression of playing with the house money, so I was not too upset to see my race end," Holzhauer said in an email to Associated Press. He said he met "a great opponent playing perfectly."

Holzhauer congratulated Boettcher, the new champion of Peril!, with a record of five in the episode aired Monday.


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