& # 39; Devin Nunes' Cow & # 39; moves Devin Nunes among his Twitter followers less than two days after the trial


The "Devin Nunes Cow" parody Twitter account now has more followers on Twitter than the Republican, Devin Nunes of California, less than two days after being the subject of a congressional trial.

The relatively obscure account had only about 1,000 subscribers before Nunes filed a lawsuit against Twitter and individual accounts, including "Devin Nunes' Cow" Monday night.

Around 12:40 pm The "Devin Nunes cow" reached 395,000 subscribers Wednesday, which is higher than the 394,500 followers of the congressman.

Over the last two days, the anonymous account has been favored by such personalities as Andy Lassner, Executive Producer of The Ellen Show, and Conservative Lawyer George Conway, married to Councilor Kellyanne Conway at the White House.

"We are almost 300,000 !! We are at hours of a farm animal having more subscribers than its owner! Lassner tweeted Wednesday morning. "Follow @DevinCow and participate in the most pathetic thing that happened to Devin Nunes this week."

[[[[Related: Alan Dershowitz: Devin Nunes has "no case" in a Twitter chase]

Nunes 'lawsuit on Twitter claims $ 250 million in compensatory damages and $ 350,000 in punitive damages, and was listed on the "Devin Nunes' Cow" list as a defendant. According to the complaint, Nunes requests an injunction asking Twitter to reveal the identity of those behind this account because "the corruption of American democracy and society by intentional lies, fraud and defamation must stop ".

The story, which tweeted that Nunes' boots were "full of manure" and that Nunes is "worthless and that his pasture time to put him in jail", was not followed by the trial of Nunes and then tweeted that does not leave my daily work. "

Among Republican lawmakers, Nunes ranks among the best Twitter, with the House of Commons' Steve Scalise, Louisiana's minority whip, which has about 296,000 subscribers, and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy of California, who has about 249,000 subscribers.


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