& # 39; Fear The Walking Dead & # 39; Season 5, Episode 6: Another terrifying and boring episode


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The spoilers of season 5 of 'Fear The Walking Dead & # 39; follow.

At the end of Fear of the undead last episode "The Little Prince", Strand and Charlie introduce themselves to save their counterparts stranded in a balloon shaped like a beer bottle.

So I took a look and yes, there are hot air balloons shaped like beer bottles (and bottles of alcohol and beer cans), but they all have one thing in common: these little ones shutters that hang from the base where the hot air is pumped. the balloon itself.

The "balloon" of Fear was obviously a fake, and that's the dead gift. As far as I know, the bottom of the "bottle" is flat, with no discernible opening. This is clearly an inflatable beer bottle, as you might see at a music festival or fair, which the creators of the series have decided to give to their image.

And hey, why not? Why not film these very false and obviously wrong scenes with Strand and Charlie in the balloon? This corresponds to the rest of this complete disaster of a television show. Let's go through all the ways this episode – and the elements that led to it – is just bad.

  • First of all, the premise of this season is atrocious. Morgan and his group of heroes have redone as good Samaritans of the zombie apocalypse. They help people in need at random, whether they want help or not.
  • So, they fly a plane somewhere to help someone while they do not know how to fly it. It crashes and they are now stuck in an area that happens to be the scene of a nuclear power plant collapse.
  • It turned out to be something to get them away from the factory, which is then taken over by a guy we have not seen since the first episode that says it's his. I guess the conflict with this guy will occupy the second half of this miserable season.
  • They meet children, a whole colony of missing boys and girls who survived when their parents were killed by radioactive zombies (or radiation?) And Morgan and Alicia really want them to come back with them on their plane on board which they began to reconstruct tonight episode.
  • Children are too smart for this nonsense. They're like, "Do idiots even know how to properly rebuild an airplane, let alone fly that damn job? Uh, I think we're going to stay here on solid ground and face the" grumblers "and radiation .
  • But wait, this lady Grace is back and she's going to go do some stuff at the nuclear plant for "but them a little while" or nonsense. Morgan wants to help but he remembers that he has to go back to the truck stop and make another stupid speech about not running away from things and compensating for past sins and that blah blah blah blah blah Shot on it now.
  • The children run away and Alicia pursues them. She'll save those damn kids if she has to kill them to do it!
  • John Dorie and Dwight are looking for Dwight's missing wife, Sherry, who is the only person on this show not to be suddenly out of nowhere. John finds a note from Sherry telling Dwight to stop looking for her, but. . . she does not really know that he's even looking for it is not it? As far as she knows, he is back at the Sanctuary with Negan doing some laundry. As far as she knows, he is dead.


So yes, at the end of this ridiculous and boring episode filled with characters that have no meaning and a plot that goes beyond the realm of understanding, the series manages to blow the shark even further by making Strand appear and Charlie in what is clearly a fake hot air balloon with two propellers attached to the side of the basket, which will magically integrate into this totally different plan that our group of non-engineer survivors miraculously mends. It sounds so ridiculous: why did not they just get a hot air balloon and a beer logo? They could have filmed Strand and Charlie in a real hot air balloon and the whole thing might not have been so wrong.

But they run out of fuel before they get to their destination (I still do not see how they found the right place to start) and they land in the wrong corner because the crash landing is the best choice that these jokers can do. make.

"Not here!" Morgan pleads in his walkie talkie. "The radioactive walkers will bleed you! Nooooo !!!!" Or something to that effect.

Naturally, there are walkers ready to confuse them. What will they do? And will Alicia be able to make sense of these damn kids? Luciana will she finally have a personality? Will we ever go out of this Texas area where all the roads that lead have somehow been destroyed?

Sorry, we will not know until next week!

This is just terrible television, people. There are not two ways about it. There is really nothing in this episode that I can find useful, interesting or interesting to watch. Season 5 has six episodes and, although it may not be as bad as the second half of Season 4, it's so boring that I can barely stay focused on watching it. The episode last week had some really good times (though, overall, it was rather boring), but the episode tonight was just bad. By the way, John Dorie is not honest with Dwight. It's just out of character and a pretty ugly thing to do. But hey, I guess we're all just portion people now, at any cost.

Let's make some predictions:

  • The survivors will spend next week rescuing Strand and Charlie, and then transporting these propellers to the camp. Alicia will spend the episode to convince the children to accompany them on their plane. She will give them a speech and maybe talk about Madison or something.
  • This is not until the mid-season finale that they will manage to fly away. Something will happen with the nuclear power plant, which is slowing down their progress. Also something with Dwight. But they will eventually fly away.
  • Will they bring the kids? Hmmmm, I will say that kids decide to go but something is wrong and they all die except maybe the top three.
  • The aircraft will land completely near the mill and we will end the first part of the season by a sort of confrontation (probably by radio) between the type of mill I forgot the name and Morgan, who will simply want to embrace all that. We will probably hear about how everyone can be redeemed. We have all done bad things, but helping others and being good will correct this karmic rut in which everyone is. That's how it works, right?

Oh man, I can not wait. I'm really looking forward to finishing this half of the season.

Do you remember when it was a show about the Clark family? And we had interesting conflicts with morally ambiguous characters? Yeah, well, none of that makes it up to Morgan to make speeches and sing kumbaya!


The spoilers of season 5 of 'Fear The Walking Dead & # 39; follow.

At the end of Fear of the undead last episode "The Little Prince", Strand and Charlie introduce themselves to save their counterparts stranded in a balloon shaped like a beer bottle.

So I took a look and yes, there are hot air balloons shaped like beer bottles (and bottles of alcohol and beer cans), but they all have one thing in common: these little ones shutters that hang from the base where the hot air is pumped. the balloon itself.

The "balloon" of Fear was obviously a fake, and that's the dead gift. As far as I know, the bottom of the "bottle" is flat, with no discernible opening. This is clearly an inflatable beer bottle, as you might see at a music festival or fair, which the creators of the series have decided to give to their image.

And hey, why not? Why not film these very false and obviously wrong scenes with Strand and Charlie in the balloon? This corresponds to the rest of this complete disaster of a television show. Let's go through all the ways this episode – and the elements that led to it – is just bad.

  • First of all, the premise of this season is atrocious. Morgan and his group of heroes have redone as good Samaritans of the zombie apocalypse. They help people in need at random, whether they want help or not.
  • So, they fly a plane somewhere to help someone while they do not know how to fly it. It crashes and they are now stuck in an area that happens to be the scene of a nuclear power plant collapse.
  • It turned out to be something to get them away from the factory, which is then taken over by a guy we have not seen since the first episode that says it's his. I guess the conflict with this guy will occupy the second half of this miserable season.
  • They meet children, a whole colony of missing boys and girls who survived when their parents were killed by radioactive zombies (or radiation?) And Morgan and Alicia really want them to come back with them on their plane on board which they began to reconstruct tonight episode.
  • Children are too smart for this nonsense. They're like, "Do idiots even know how to properly rebuild an airplane, let alone fly that damn job? Uh, I think we're going to stay here on solid ground and face the" grumblers "and radiation .
  • But wait, this lady Grace is back and she's going to go do some stuff at the nuclear plant for "but them a little while" or nonsense. Morgan wants to help but he remembers that he has to go back to the truck stop and make another stupid speech about not running away from things and compensating for past sins and that blah blah blah blah blah Shot on it now.
  • The children run away and Alicia pursues them. She'll save those damn kids if she has to kill them to do it!
  • John Dorie and Dwight are looking for Dwight's missing wife, Sherry, who is the only person on this show not to be suddenly out of nowhere. John finds a note from Sherry telling Dwight to stop looking for her, but. . . she does not really know that he's even looking for it is not it? As far as she knows, he is back at the Sanctuary with Negan doing some laundry. As far as she knows, he is dead.


So yes, at the end of this ridiculous and boring episode filled with characters that have no meaning and a plot that goes beyond the realm of understanding, the series manages to blow the shark even further by making Strand appear and Charlie in what is clearly a fake hot air balloon with two propellers attached to the side of the basket, which will magically integrate into this totally different plan that our group of non-engineer survivors miraculously mends. It sounds so ridiculous: why did not they just get a hot air balloon and a beer logo? They could have filmed Strand and Charlie in a real hot air balloon and the whole thing might not have been so wrong.

But they run out of fuel before they get to their destination (I still do not see how they found the right place to start) and they land in the wrong corner because the crash landing is the best choice that these jokers can do. make.

"Not here!" Morgan pleads in his walkie talkie. "The radioactive walkers will bleed you! Nooooo !!!!" Or something to that effect.

Naturally, there are walkers ready to confuse them. What will they do? And will Alicia be able to make sense of these damn kids? Luciana will she finally have a personality? Will we ever go out of this Texas area where all the roads that lead have somehow been destroyed?

Sorry, we will not know until next week!

This is just terrible television, people. There are not two ways about it. There is really nothing in this episode that I can find useful, interesting or interesting to watch. Season 5 has six episodes and, although it may not be as bad as the second half of Season 4, it's so boring that I can barely stay focused on watching it. The episode last week had some really good times (though, overall, it was rather boring), but the episode tonight was just bad. By the way, John Dorie is not honest with Dwight. It's just out of character and a pretty ugly thing to do. But hey, I guess we're all just portion people now, at any cost.

Let's make some predictions:

  • The survivors will spend next week rescuing Strand and Charlie, and then transporting these propellers to the camp. Alicia will spend the episode to convince the children to accompany them on their plane. She will give them a speech and maybe talk about Madison or something.
  • This is not until the mid-season finale that they will manage to fly away. Something will happen with the nuclear power plant, which is slowing down their progress. Also something with Dwight. But they will eventually fly away.
  • Will they bring the kids? Hmmmm, I will say that kids decide to go but something is wrong and they all die except maybe the top three.
  • The aircraft will land completely near the mill and we will end the first part of the season by a sort of confrontation (probably by radio) between the type of mill I forgot the name and Morgan, who will simply want to embrace all that. We will probably hear about how everyone can be redeemed. We have all done bad things, but helping others and being good will correct this karmic rut in which everyone is. That's how it works, right?

Oh man, I can not wait. I'm really looking forward to finishing this half of the season.

Do you remember when it was a show about the Clark family? And we had interesting conflicts with morally ambiguous characters? Yeah, well, none of that makes it up to Morgan to make speeches and sing kumbaya!


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