& # 39; Love, Death and Robots & # 39; spending a second season on Netflix with a new director


If you missed the first round of Love, Death and Robotsthere is still plenty of time to catch up with what the show has to offer. Season 1 features 18 episodes featuring a wide range of styles and genres created by animation teams from around the world. Animated shorts range from five to 17 minutes in genres such as science fiction, comedy, horror and use styles ranging from 2D animation to photo-realistic CGI. The show counts Tim Miller and David Fincher among its producers and is based on the long-overdue reboot of the animated sci-fi movie of 1981 Heavy metal.

Love, Death and Robots was briefly at the center of a controversy that Netflix would have ordered the episodes based on the sexual identity of the viewer. Netflix quickly challenged the claim but noted that he used the series of anthologies to experiment with different sequences of episodes. The company asserted that the show is presented in four different orders, which are served to users in a completely random manner and are not based on any specific targeting data.


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