& # 39; Madden NFL 20 & # 39; goes to five minutes in match mode


For starters, each game lasts about five minutes, instead of the usual 45 to 60 minutes you have to spend on a typical show match. There is offensive possession for each pre-formed team (there are eight to choose from), no field goal or playoff, no clear reading book, no mandatory two-point conversion, and one broken down. 39, equality in overtime.

DJ Khaled and Lil Yachty, two musicians, and Jennifer Welter, who became the first coach in the history of the NFL in 2015. The matches take place in a stadium with a distinct festival atmosphere. (currently active in the NFL) are equipped with wild models. The comments, meanwhile, come from a DJ drummer, instead of the usual broadcast crew of Brandon Gaudin and Charles Davis.

Talk to Polygon, Jake Stein, one of the fashion designers, said that this short and attractive version of the game is designed to provide a satisfying gaming experience without too much support for victory or defeat. Think of it as a pure palace cleaner for hardcore Madden marathons.

This mode is available as part of a free update on PlayStation 4, Windows PC and Xbox One. Even if you do not have Madden 20 you'll be able to try it out for a free trial this weekend from September 5th to 9th, although you need an active subscription to PlayStation Plus or Xbox Live Gold to access it.


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