& # 39; OathSex & # 39; happens while Jaime and Brienne are using it


The fourth episode of Game of Thrones Season 8 provided a moment of service for the fans that many had called for, Jaime and Brienne finally meeting.

The fans wanted Jaime and Brienne to meet together for years and it finally happened during the episode of Sunday night. Game of thrones. There are only two episodes left, but it seems that the two knights finally followed their impulses and could no longer avoid their biological impulses.

Brienne taught him honor and nobility, sacrifice and loyalty. It was a difficult lesson that cost Jaime his right hand and made him humble, but he was still in love with Cersei, his twin sister. Whatever the seriousness of this relationship in real life, in Westeros, it is always frowned upon, but "what we do for love" has no limits.

But when Jaime abandoned Cersei at the end of Season 7 and joined life in the North for the Battle of Winterfell, it was clear that he was done with this poisonous relationship.

This opened the door to Jaime and Ser Brienne, whom he knighted during the second episode of the season, to pursue a much healthier relationship for both parties.

While Game of thrones Accused of reading like fan fiction for three seasons, this service is an event that fans can join.

If he had betrayed Jon, Dany and the North and joined Cersei and King's Landing, it would have completely destroyed the arc of redemption that Jaime had traveled since season 2.

Now that Jaime and Brienne are one thing, my next question is whether they will both survive the last two episodes. All the while, I thought Jaime would die by killing Cersei or trying to kill her. This could still happen, because I do not see either survive this show. If that is the case, it will leave Brienne without his new face.

At least they will always have their glorious night.

Following: Game of Thrones season 8 wishlist


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