& # 39; Persona 5 & # 39; arrives on Nintendo this year


persona 5
(Photo: Atlus)

Last year, a rumor surfaced that Persona 5 was coming to Nintendo Switch in 2019. Fast forward for this week, and another similar report raised his head.

Back in December Persona 5R was announced, but the version of Nintendo Switch was not known. However, fans hoping to play the critically acclaimed role-playing game on the Nintendo console have not been spared for a long time. Persona 5 the anime was coming in march alongside more Persona 5R information. In other words, fans hoping for a Switch port now think that it will be unveiled next month, or possibly at the next Character concert in April.

That said, an alleged insider who has a history of flight Character related news, reaffirmed the initial assertion that Persona 5 makes his way to pass this year.

The leak comes from the Twitter user Mr. Ohya, who had already leaked Persona 5R before it's revealed. According to the insider, Atlus brings the game to the system as Persona 5S, who will arrive this fall next to Persona 5R on PS4.

As for the date on which it will be revealed, Mr. Ohya does not mention a specific date, but says it will be before May.

Of course, all this should be taken with a grain of salt. Although Mr. Ohya has been a leak manager in the past, that does not mean that he is automatically in the pockets here. However, where there is so much smoke, normally there is a fire.

And fortunately, we will not have to wait long to know if these claims are valid or not, because May is not very far away. Unless you are a hardcore Character fan on Nintendo Switch, of course, so may seem to be a dawn year.


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