& # 39; Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker & # 39; will use old Carrie Fisher images


Fisher, 60, died of unspecified consequences of a heart attack during his London-Los Angeles flight on December 27, 2016.
In an interview with Vanity Fair, J.J. Abrams said that he remembered that there were still unused Fisher footage from the movie "The Force Awakens" of 2015 that could be incorporated into "Skywalker".

"It's hard to talk about this without seeming to be some kind of cosmic spiritual stuff," said Abrams, "but it seemed we had suddenly found the impossible answer to the impossible question."

Abrams began writing scenes around the old film so that Leia's dialogue could fit into the film in different ways.

"It was a bizarre kind of left side / right side of the brain, a kind of Venn diagram, for how to create the puzzle based on the pieces we had," he said.

Fisher's daughter, Billie Heavy, also appears in films in which Lieutenant Kaydel Ko Connix, an officer of the Resistance, plays.

Abrams first tried to write Heavy outside scenes with his mother in case it would be too painful. But Heavy insisted that she be in them. Abrams said some of these scenes include their conversation or emotion.

"There are times in this movie where Carrie is there," says Abrams, "and I really feel that there is an element of the weird, spiritual, you know, classic Carrie, that this would have happened this way, because it worked And I never thought that would be the case. "

"The Rise of Skywalker" debuts in theaters on December 20th.


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