4 teams that might be interested in Earl Thomas’ business


The Baltimore Ravens sent goaltender Earl Thomas home after an argument with compatriot Chuck Clark on Friday. If the Ravens are considering getting rid of Thomas, his trade should be on their radar. Luckily for Baltimore, there are a few teams that might be interested in Thomas for the right price.

Trader Thomas might actually be the Ravens’ best option here. According to Over The Cap, Baltimore would actually save $ 10 million on its 2020 salary cap by trading Thomas. If they cut him squarely, he would wash out the 2020 salary cap, costing the Ravens nothing more, but also saving them no money. And if they can get any additional draft picks in the process, that would be a huge win for Ravens general manager Eric DeCosta.

Let’s take a look at the four teams that might be interested in trading for Thomas.

1 Dallas Cowboys

Photo by Ronald Martinez / Getty Images

The Cowboys have taken an interest in all safety measures over the past two years and a deal for Thomas would make a lot of sense for both sides.

Dallas was vying for Thomas’ services last year but didn’t want to pay the price Baltimore ultimately made for him, according to David Moore of The Dallas Morning News. But with a potential trade, Thomas’ contract would be much more manageable with just $ 10 million guaranteed this year. On top of that, Thomas is from Texas and a return to his home state would likely make him happy as well.

The Cowboys would get maximum security for a relatively low price and the Ravens would get cap savings. It’s rare for chords to work well in situations like this.

2 Houston Texans

Photo by Tim Warner / Getty Images

With the way coach Bill O’Brien handled the team during his tenure, the Texans are always in the mix. Trading for Thomas would actually make sense for Houston.

They are a strong team but they need more talent to move to the next level. While they have Justin Reid safe for free, adding Thomas could dramatically improve this secondary overnight. When paired with a seventh seed that includes JJ Watt and Whitney Mercilus, that might be enough to push the Texans into Super Bowl contender territory.

Houston doesn’t have a ton of early-round draft picks, which could have hindered them at times this offseason. But with the situation as tumultuous as it is, it’s unlikely Baltimore could command an early-round pick for Thomas. The Texans have a ton of end-round and cap choices to make a trade like this though.

3 San Francisco 49ers

Photo by Ezra Shaw / Getty Images

San Fransisco has been aggressive in acquiring players, working its magic this offseason to store talent for another Super Bowl run. If Thomas is on the trading block, the 49ers should at least dig around.

San Francisco has enough ceiling space and the end-of-round choices necessary to run a business in the first place. But they also need Pro Bowl safety in their high school. When teaming up with cornerback Richard Sherman and that beastly defensive line, Thomas is everything the 49ers could want.

4 Philadelphia Eagles

Photo by Scott Taetsch / Getty Images

The Eagles were one of seven safety teams Jamal Adams wanted to go. While they failed to make a trade for him thanks to being deep in the hole on the 2021 salary cap, Thomas would make a lot more sense.

The Eagles currently have over $ 24 million in cap space available, which is more than enough to accept Thomas’ contract. But 2020 is the only year Thomas has guaranteed any money, meaning Philadelphia could cut him after this season without financial repercussions, turning it into a one-year hire at worst.

On the pitch, Thomas makes even more sense. The Eagles were hoping that putting Jalen Mills to safety would be the answer to Malcolm Jennings leaving free agency. But if Thomas is available, Philadelphia wouldn’t have to deal with that uncertainty anymore, making him a great choice. He would be an immediate starter and a potential mentor to the younger men under him.

If the Eagles feel close to being contenders, the addition of Thomas could be the answer in every way.


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