4 TGS 2019 announcements that would make the House fall


The Tokyo Game Show (TGS) is fast approaching and although much of the programming of what we are going to see is known, you can rest assured that there will remain some surprises. Let's see what we hope to see at TGS this year.

Parallel content for the remake of Final Fantasy VII

5 surprises we want to see at Tokyo Game Show 2019, tgs 2019

Although Final Fantasy VII Remake was announced at E3 2015, we did not see much of the game compared to other AAA games.

We've seen character revelations, battles, and iconic story moments, but we have not really seen what the secondary content in the game would look like.

Since the remake was split into several parts, Square Enix has declared that the first part of the game would only take place in Midgar. They also said that each part would be the length of a complete game, and since it is a JRPG, you can assume that each part will be quite long.

So, considering that in the original game, the Midgar section is not the length of a full game, Square Enix will have to add a lot to this remake to be able to fill all the parts? What could it be? Side quests, mini-games, dungeons?

The new trailer that started today has given some interesting moments to our story, but we want to see other things that we will do when we do not save the world and fight against Sephiroth.


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