$ 400,000 bond for driver in fatal accident in the Denver area


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By Nicole Acevedo

Bond was set Saturday at $ 400,000 for the driver of a semi-truck that enlisted in traffic on a highway near Denver, killing four people.

Rogel Lazaro Aguilera-MederosPO of Lakewood Colorado

Rogel Lazaro Aguilera-Mederos, 23, appeared in court, where a judge fixed his bail at $ 400,000 in cash or bail.

Formal charges have still not been laid because the authorities continued to investigate Thursday's violent crash, which also sent at least six people to the hospital.

The next Aguilera-Mederos court hearing is scheduled for May 3, when formal charges should be laid, said a spokesman for the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office.

"We think that there has been some kind of dysfunction, something and that there is quite good evidence," said Aguilera – Mederos' s attorney. Robert Corry told reporters after the court hearing. "He is a man with no traffic record or traffic violation. Not a speed ticket, nothing like that. "

Aguilera-Mederos, who was born in Cuba and lives legally in Houston with a green card, was also slightly injured in the accident.

His family members told various news agencies that he said his brakes were failing.

"We can not stress enough the grief he feels for this absolutely tragic accident," said Corry. "Everyone agrees that it was an accident. Law enforcement agrees that it was an accident. Everyone who has investigated or examined it thinks it is an accident and it is tragic. "

The National Transportation Safety Board was monitoring the survey in case an opportunity to make new road safety recommendations be presented.

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, which regulates and monitors the safety of large trucks and buses, said it was also working with state authorities and local authorities to assist in the investigation.

Associated press contributed.


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