5 foot Gator in Chicago's Humboldt Park has perplexed cops


What began with some brow-raising photos turned into an intensive search as the Chicago Police Department and the City's Animal Control Department rushed to look for the animal. Indeed, the Gator case was running.

Police "independently confirmed the alligator is in the lagoon" Anthony Gugliemi, spokesman for the Chicago PD said via Twitter. "State reptiles specialists say it's between 4 and 5 feet long." Gugliemi said that the reptile would be trapped humanely and transferred to a zoo for veterinary evaluation.
It's not every day that one of the most popular parks in any of the country's largest cities hosts an alligator – at least, nowhere north of Miami. According to CNN affiliate, WBBM, people lined up along the bridges of the Humboldt Lagoon to catch a glimpse of the intruder.

"An unusual day of news," says the Chicago PD in social media.

How did an alligator come to Humboldt Park?

Richard Crowley, president of the Chicago Herpetological Society, told CNN that he thought the reptile had been brought into the lagoon, probably by a person who owned it illegally (it's illegal to own an alligator in the lagoon). State of Illinois).

Crowley says the animal would be an American alligator.

"Once the species is identified, an appropriate place is found for the reptile," said Crowley. Several volunteers of the company are involved in research and work with the control of animals.


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