5 things we learned about Coachella Triumph from Beyoncé in "Homecoming"


Although Beyonce did not attend university, the Houston native explained that she would go to Prairie View A & M University, which she was rehearsing at Texas Southern University and "still dreaming of 'go to an HBC'. "I wanted it to be like how I felt when I went to [the H.B.C.U. marching band showcase] Battle of the Bands, "says Beyoncé about the Coachella set," because I grew up seeing these shows and that was the highlight of my year. "

Its difficult Pregnancy 2017 was more painful than we knew.

Although Beyoncé talked about battling pre-eclampsia during twin pregnancy with Rumi and Sir Carter, she reveals that one of the babies' heartbeats "paused a few times," requiring an emergency cesarean section.

Balancing being a mother and a superstar was not easy.

Beyoncé stated that she weighed 218 pounds the day she gave birth to her twins in the summer of 2017. In the documentary, she describes a pre-Coachella diet that involves cutting bread, carbohydrates, sugar, dairy, meat and alcohol – she lets out an exhausted sigh and adds that she is hungry.

"There are days when I thought, you know, I would never be the same again. I would never be the same physically, my strength and stamina would never be the same, "she says. "At first, there was so much muscle spasm. Just, internally, my body was not connected. My mind was not there. My mind wanted to be with my children. What people do not see is sacrifice. I danced, I went to the caravan and I nursed the babies, and the days I could, I took the children. "

If you could not guess, this is Beyoncé's show.

"I personally selected each dancer, each light, the material of the steps, the height of the pyramid, the shape of the pyramid," she explains in the film. "Every detail had an intention." (This is also what Coachella's choreographers told us.)


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