5 ways to prevent your Android apps from spying on you



Keep your private data on your Android.

Angela Lang / CNET

The researchers discovered that more than 1,000 Android apps are exploiting your data, even if you deny them permission to do so. This idea is sobering at a time when companies such as Facebook, Google and Amazon are under the microscope for their privacy and security policies. Studies have shown that unauthorized applications can add to other applications for which you have granted permissions. According to the researchers' findings, these applications can even collect data from your Wi-Fi connections.

If you've seen ads on apps or in your browser for items you've searched for in a completely different application, you may notice that this data collection is happening at work. Google solves the Android Q privacy issue, updating its operating system for Android phones, which is expected to take place later this year.

If you feel powerless to refuse to allow applications to your data, it does not seem to make a difference, we are at your side. However, you can still make it more difficult for applications to see the information you do not want.

http://www.cnet.com/ "height =" 110 "width =" 196

Reading in progress:
Look at this:

Many Android apps bypass privacy controls


Allow only applications to access useful data

Apps that you download may require permission to access your calendar, camera, contacts, location, microphone, phone, SMS, storage, and to its sensors. Some permissions are required for the operation of the application. If it's a mapping application, location data is provided with the territory. If it's a pun on your position, just say no.

The problem occurs when applications request permission for parts of your phone that you do not want to grant or do not need. For example, if you give applications access to your microphone, it is possible that they listen, so be aware of what you give them access to. By denying permissions, you can prevent applications from seeing your data in the first place.

If it turns out that the application will not work if you do not give it access, you can still decide to give it permission. However, taking the habit of controlling the permissions of your applications will allow you to better understand what applications are doing with your phone.

android-q-app-permissions-control "data-original =" https://cnet2.cbsistatic.com/img/zmkdyS63YEB59mdjlzaQlKkeWCo=/2019/05/22/1a9a725f-8452-4312-91af-1c69929ab2c4/android-q- app permissions-control.jpg

The new Android Q permission commands make it easy to audit your applications and the data they have access to.

Screenshots of Jason Cipriani / CNET

Enable or disable one-to-one application permissions

If you install an application with all permissions disabled, you can still enable those that you want individually in the settings.

1. Go to your Android phone settings app.

2 Press on applications or Application Manager.

3 Select the application you want to edit by pressing Permissions.

4 From there, you can choose the permissions to enable and disable, such as your microphone and your camera.

Look for viruses and other defects

Google Play Protect scans all your apps to identify potentially dangerous ones. Even the most reliable applications can develop vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit. It is therefore wise to regularly scan the applications on your phone to make sure they are safe.

1. Go to your Android phone settings app.

2 Tap security.

3 To select Google Play Protect. From there, you will see all the applications that have been analyzed and, if so, suspect. If this is the case, you will immediately want to stop using these apps and remove them from your phone.

android-q-location-settings-advanced "data-original =" https://cnet1.cbsistatic.com/img/xIytoCRj7a6-DUBKYHoZ_xck0H0=/2019/22/216aaa43-50f4-4a28-851d-6bc6b0b5f0android- q-location- settings-advanced.jpg

Advanced location settings of Android Q.

Screenshots of Jason Cipriani / CNET

Disable your location settings

A large amount of tracking comes from the parameters of your position. It is therefore best to disable this setting.

1. Go to your Android phone settings app.

2 Tap Location.

3 To select Google location settings.

4 Slide the rocker switch to Location report and History of the location.

5 You can go further by removing all the history of your positions.

6 If you need to activate the location, you can activate it manually and disable it again when you are done.

Disable location data in your photos

1. Go to your Android phone pics app.

2 Tap the menu and select settings.

3 Tap Delete geographical location.

4 You can also disable the location of an individual photo in the Photos application by opening the photo, clicking on the three stacked points, select Info and choose No location. (Or go to a sub-menu under the map and click on Delete location.)

Read more: Do not let your smartphone follow you


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