54 Things You've Missed From The Flow Of Death Stranding Game, Blood Pomegranates To Norman Reedus Singing In A Hot Spring


the Death Stranding TGS Game gave us our best preview of Hideo Kojima's upcoming game, with nearly 50 minutes of raw footage featuring almost every aspect of the game's systems and mechanics. It was, in short, a lot to take, and could have been a little on the short side … but at least we now have a firm understanding of what Grounding of death will play once in our hands in November.

That said, there is so much to discover in the Death Stranding gameplay demo that chances are you'll miss a few details. That's why we've gone through the footage, figured out how many core systems the game is running, and also discovered some new mysteries.

Read on to discover all we've learned about Death Stranding in the latest TGS feed, including Norman's voice, shower grenades, standing toilets, harmonica lessons and more. So much more.

(Image credit: Kojima Productions)

1. Sam has a base of operations

The operation of Die-Hardman aimed at restoring the connection of the east coast from America to the west via a chiral network is being executed at Capital Knot City. There is a huge distribution center in the city and it is a central hub, a place where you can retool and regroup before leaving on a mission.

2. Missions are accepted from the terminals

Before you enter the open world, you will have the opportunity to choose new missions in the delivery terminals located in the basement of the distribution center. This device will allow you to view and receive new orders from citizens within reach of the Chiral network, while serving as a preparation station for Sam.

3. The preparation of the mission is essential

When you take a new order, you receive all the essential information you need. You will get an indication of the maximum number of "I like" that you will receive to complete the order, an idea of ​​the weight of the cargo, while an insert of the card will indicate the estimated distance.

4. You can create a new material

(Image credit: Kojima Productions)

Once you have an idea of ​​what you will need for the order, you can make Fabric using a printer. You will be able to create critical elements here and each will require a number of resources. Gear is also evolving, with higher gear requiring more resources to build.

5. The material is not all you can create

Although the game video does not enter explicitly in this case, you will also be able to create other objects for your trip outside of Shoes, Active Skeletons, Ladders and Ropes. You will also be able to create and print weapons and vehicles.

6. There is a maximum weight allowed

Once you have recovered all your equipment, equipment and cargo, you must start managing the maximum weight allowed. Your maximum compensation is clearly indicated on the screen. Anything you add, whether it's extra boxes or extra shoes, brings you a little closer to excessive clutter.

7. You can spread the weight over Sam's body.

Once everything is ready, you will have the opportunity to spread the weight evenly as best you can. In the demo, Kojima notes that you need to create a "center of gravity" the best you can to avoid falling. The boots can be hung from your rucksack, surrounded by ropes, and items can be hand-held or stacked on the back. It's up to you to decide how best to manage your load.

8. Weight affects movement

(Image credit: Kojima Productions)

The way you choose to equip Sam will be reflected on the screen, which will have an impact on your balance and your stamina. There is a button to help you stabilize your balance if you start to swing in one direction or the other, but you do not know exactly what it is – if I had to guess, I would say L3 .

9. The user interface clearly states your requirement

If you access the menu – an overlay in the world, in real time – gives you clear information about your speed of movement, your balance, your load capacity, your resistance to endurance / fatigue, as well as your lung capacity and your resistance to unconscious fall. It also indicates battery capacity, sync level and rugged terrain resistance.

10. You can draw custom courses

Before venturing into the world, you will be able to trace a personalized route to your destination and mark it with waypoints. This gives you an early opportunity to avoid obvious or difficult hazards to cross a field.

11. Personalization is more than cosmetic

Sam carries with him a lot of seemingly accidental objects, such as sunglasses and hats. While some of them may be purely aesthetic, others will help you. The Bridges cap can, for example, reduce endurance consumption.

12. You can search for dangerous terrain

(Image credit: Kojima Productions)

The scanner on your back is not only used to indicate the appearance of BT or other threats, it is also more commonly used to track hazards in the environment. For example, using it near the water will indicate the depth and flow of the tide.

13. It's easy to fall

If Sam is caught in strong tides, he will quickly find himself floating downstream. Not only will this exhaust your stamina, but you will also lose equipment and merchandise, and anything you can keep in hand will be damaged.

14. Endurance is an extremely important resource

You really do not want to let your stamina fall into Death Stranding. As the weight of your cargo decreases, the toll will be heavier. When Sam is in this state, you must enter L2 + R2 to improve your balance or overwrite the "O" button. to catch your breath and regain some endurance.

15. Energy drinks can regain stamina

If you need a boost of energy, Sam can also consume energy drinks for a little nudge. This will likely mean that he will need to urinate more frequently, as it is of course a game feature.

16. Side quests can be missed

(Image credit: Kojima Productions)

While crossing the world, Sam can stumble over a jettisoned cargo. The pick up will begin a delivery, a kind of side quests. Although these can be totally ignored or avoided, it seems that they will be an integral part of creating new objects and resources, as well as extending the Chiral network to new corners of the world.

17. Use the equipment no matter where

Equipment such as ropes – to descend from the mountains – or a ladder are limited to the amount you initially bring for your mission. They are also extremely heavy, so you will need to lessen your desire to lighten the burden and keep it with you when you really need it.

18. You will have to pay attention to the network

When you are out of range of a Chiral network antenna, you need to establish a connection as quickly as possible. Not only are you cut off from the world and therefore from your overall goal, but you will not be able to use printers in safe places where you could fall.

19. The scale has a weight allowance

Although the scale can also be used wherever the physical system allows it (whether to resize slopes or to cross gaps), it has a maximum weight. This means that you will have to be careful not to step on it with heavy cargo, the results could be disastrous.

20. Leaving the cargo damages it

(Image credit: Kojima Productions)

If you drop a shipment for any reason, it may be damaged. This will reduce the number of "likes," just like getting wet or losing it.

21. Isolated groups may have affiliations

Although many citizens outside the Chiral network are isolated from society at large, it is possible that they are affiliated with other groups. Keep this in mind when trying to create links.

22. You can see traces of other players

The equipment of other players may appear in the environment at random. Although you do not see them directly, you will see their footprints through their fingerprints.

23. Your objects may break

At one point, we see Sam's shoes damaging, which means he's now scouring the mountains barefoot. This greatly reduces his stamina and his feet in the blood, forcing him to rest and heal himself.

24. New equipment, it's good for the soul

When Sam sits down to take a break, he can rest, massage his shoulders, calm his BB and rearrange his cargo. If you brought an extra pair of shoes with you, for example, you can pick them up from your backpack and put them on your feet, which will greatly restore your stamina!

25. You can learn to play the harmonica

(Image credit: Kojima Productions)

You can get a harmonica in the game and play it with the touch pad when you sit down to play a "soothing melody". For starters, it's something bad and gradually improve over time, what your BB will love and give you "Likes"!

26. BB happiness is the key

Your BB has its own happiness counter that needs to be managed, much like your freight and endurance counters should be. Soothing your BB, playing the harmonica and reducing your stress level will help keep your BB happy.

27. Take the cargo of another player

If a player drops a cargo (or leaves it behind for whatever reason), you can actually take it and take it with you. It works the same way as the shared material: once you've taken it, it's now available to everyone!

28. Cargo can be repaired

Items called "Container Repair Spray" can be sprayed on the containers for repair. These are less effective in the & # 39; Timefalls & # 39; but at least we know that the goods can be repaired when they are damaged. Of course, wearing these repair sprays will contribute to your total weight and your load.

29. Shared lockers exist in the world

(Image credit: Kojima Productions)

You will fall from time to time on mailboxes in nature. These are shared and private lockers, structures that any player can build if he has the necessary resources. Here you can store items privately, you can leave your cargo to other players to deliver on your behalf, abandon them and engage in delivery quests.

30. There is a delivery cart

The Rotor drone, designed to "help support the load," is one of the new equipment in the mailbox. Although it has other uses, its primary function is to deposit a cargo to allow you to better cross and navigate the spaces.

31. There are also shelters

Shelters built by the players can also be found in the wild. These seem to restore the conditions of the cargo and provide a moment of respite, increasing the recovery of endurance. You can let "I like" as a way to thank you.

32. Something weird with the music going on

(Image credit: Kojima Productions)

The harmonica is not the only musical instrument of Death Stranding. The Shelter also plays music through a loudspeaker, apparently denoting dangerous hazards and terrain in the area. Music plays a bigger role in this world than has been discussed previously.

33. You can use your rotor drone as a skateboard

Need to get off quickly? Climb aboard your rotor drone, normally used to haul some of your cargo, and board a skateboard to gain speed.

34. Your sensor highlights all nearby enemies

All the reconnaissance work you've done in Metal Gear Solid 5 can be done in a single button in Death Stranding, because your sensor can tag all nearby enemies and points of interest in an area without alerting them.

35. You can stealthily kill your enemies with Strand razor wire

Some elements of Death Stranding will require more stealthy approaches to combat, and Sam can neutralize his enemies by strangling them from behind with his potentially bodymess razor wire.

Enemy camps are stowed with special "MULE Postbox" lockers that can be infiltrated to equip Active Skeletons, sort your luggage and provide other benefits.

37. The Bola pistol can neutralize the enemies of the feet upwards

(Image credit: Sony)

One of the many tools that Sam has in combat is the Bola pistol, which literally draws metaphysical bolas of "wicks to bind and immobilize or knock out humans or BT".

38. Sam's luggage can be thrown away as a disposable weapon

Not only useful for carrying cargo from A to B, Sam's parcel and baggage count is also a last-minute fighting tool, able to knock out an enemy with a single lob.

39. The active skeleton allows you to overtake enemy vehicles and jump over long gaps

Although we do not know exactly how it works, Sam can equip the buff "Active Skeleton" which increases its speed and agility for a more efficient course.

40. You can rebuild the active skeleton at the charge points built by the player.

(Image credit: Sony)

These charging points look like big electrical knots that spring from the ground, and Sam must simply stay close to the hour for a short time before Active Skeleton returns to full power.

41. Weather conditions may affect Sam's equipment, Wild Breath style

The rain that falls in time will degrade Sam's luggage and equipment, as it speeds up the progression of time, but Sam can ingest an object called Cryptobiote to avoid this danger … or at least delay it.

42. Your sensor friend will alert you to the presence and location of BTs.

As seen in one of Death Stranding's caravans, this flower-robed robot will stand up when one of the supernatural enemies of the game, the BT, will be nearby and will point to their location to help you adapt accordingly.

43. BT will train you in other dimensions for epic boss fights

(Image credit: Sony)

They are the biggest villains of Death Stranding and present themselves by dragging you through interdimensional tar in a long boss battle.

44. BTs are able to destroy entire buildings in seconds

If you plan to use a building to protect yourself when fighting a hunter, think again. The one seen in the demo sinks a whole construction in the tar with a terrifying laser beam.

45. Sam's pomegranates consist of his various bodily fluids

(Image credit: Sony)

Hoard grenades consist of Sam's blood (if you do not have a blood bag, you can create them directly from Sam's blood, to the detriment of health), while the Ex grenades are "capsules made of blood. Sam's condensed body fluids, collected in the shower. "

46. ​​Other players can help you during boss battles

They appear as pasty avatars that come out of the tar and throw useful objects like ammunition and encourage you from the sidelines.

47. You can swim in the hot springs to clean yourself

These can be found worldwide, and will allow Sam to eliminate tar and other environmental effects from his body.

48. Sam can sing in Japanese on his BB on command

(Image credit: Sony)

When you swim in the hot spring, a button prompt allows Sam to start singing (rather awkwardly) on his floating BB unit. It's very strange.

49. You can create posters to alert other players on the points of interest, Dark Souls style.

We see Sam set up a sign for the hot spring in which he is bathing, which the other players can then see from afar.

50. Players can build big buildings together

An example we see in the gameplay is that of a bridge, to which players can also contribute. The person who has contributed the most to the effort will have his name displayed through the construction.

51. The songs on Kojima's soundtrack are organically played throughout your adventures.

(Image credit: Sony)

Similar to the iconic moment of Red Dead Redemption on your trip to Mexico, licensed songs will begin to play at specific intervals throughout your journey in Death Stranding, for example when you are about to reach a significant landmark as a city.

52. Sleeping allows you to restore critical statistics.

These cities will often reward you with a place to stay to supplement your deliveries, with a bed where to sleep, allowing Sam to restore his health, his stamina, his pockets of blood and his pacificity.

53. There is a messaging system in the game

Upon awakening, Sam receives a notification telling him that he has received mail from Viktor Frank. We do not know how we access that, what it serves, or if we can also receive mail from other players.

54. You can sit or stand up when using the toilet

(Image credit: Sony)

Kojima did not specify whether, while sitting or standing, when visiting the golden arches, there were distinct advantages / disadvantages, but the option is nevertheless there. You can also use the shower too.

Check out more Death Stranding gameplay below, or read about all the other big ones new games of 2019 and beyond still on the way.


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