6 Florida church members died from Covid-19 in 2 weeks, pastor says. On Sunday, the church held a vaccination clinic


Now the church is hosting a vaccination clinic.

Pastor George Davis of Impact Church in Jacksonville addressed members at Sunday’s service and said last week had been very difficult.

“We now have six members of our church over the course of a few weeks now who have passed away from Covid,” Davis said during the service which was broadcast live on the church’s Facebook page. “It just tore our hearts out. The most recent was actually a young lady from our worship team.”

Davis told CNN affiliate WJXT on Friday that four of the deaths were members under the age of 35 and were all in good health – but none of them were vaccinated.

“It’s painful,” Davis told WJXT. “These are real people I know, whom I have been pastor. A 24 year old child, I have known him since he was little.”

He added that 15-20 church members were in hospital fighting Covid and around 10 members were at home with the virus. Davis told WJXT he was certain members did not contract the virus at church.

Florida reported 134,506 new cases of Covid-19 in the past week on Friday, more than any other 7-day period during the pandemic.

“Part of my resolution is that yes we pray, but we are not just going to pray,” Davis said Sunday.

“We’re going to pray and do something. And part of our action in this situation is that we have a vaccination event.”

The church held a free vaccination clinic on Sunday for anyone wishing to be vaccinated against Coivd-19. The clinic was organized in partnership with health officials from the University of Florida. In addition to offering the Pzifer vaccine, Davis said they have medical educators available for anyone with questions or concerns about vaccinations.

“My family and I are all fully vaccinated,” Davis said. “I’m not asking you to get the vaccine because I don’t want to pressure you. We just make it available to those who want it.”

In March, according to WJXT, the church hosted a previous clinic where 800 members were vaccinated.


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