6 things you may have missed when launching the iPhone 11 and the iPhone 11 Pro


What did you think of the keynote of the iPhone 11? The word on social media seems to be "meh", largely because the iPhone 11 seems to be going through its Gillette razor blade period:

"What will we do this year, guys?"

"Put another camera inside!"

But, while the iPhone clearly goes through a long period of gradual improvement, there were still many interesting things to be learned from Tim Cook's speech and from society.

We have seen the future of the iPad, determined what the Apple Watch is meant for and discovered that no one in the organization or the theater seems to have a dirty mind: when we are said the new iPad "is an excellent one-handed experience" no one laughed.

Nobody! And as if that were not serious enough, no one booed when Apple tried to persuade us that the slofie – abbreviation of slo-mo selfie – had to exist. Suppose this has never happened and never talk about it again.

Here are the six key elements that you may not have heard in Apple's speech.

(Image credit: Apple)

1. The iPad is a PC. Oh yes that's it

"We have never been so excited about the future of the iPad," said Tim Cook, unveiling the latest version of what we consider to be Apple's most profitable product: range. It's less than half the price of an iPhone, but it's definitely not half of the device.

Your comparison with your products says a lot about the directions of your product. So, when Apple explicitly compared its latest slightly larger iPad to the current best selling Windows PC in the US, the message was clear. Thanks in large part to iPadOS – which, among other things, allows the mouse to be controlled by the mouse – the iPad is designed to be a complete PC rival, not just a very big iPhone. And this little iPad also has a smart connector. So you can add one of Apple's smart keyboards for an even more PC-like experience.

(Image credit: Apple)

2. Apple knows what is the Apple watch for now

The original Apple Watch looked a little like the original iPad: Apple had done something and did not really have a clue about its usefulness. So it was published to see what people would do with it. And like the iPad, after a few iterations, Apple now has a much clearer idea of ​​what the Watch is and what it is not.

As evidenced by the testimonials and keynote addresses, the Apple Watch is no longer a complete multifunctional device like an iPhone or iPad, a wrist-based communicator, a garage door opener and a translator. dog; other than asking you if you need to be aware of certain things that can track your vital signs, whether it's to prevent you from dying, to help you win races, or to help with medical research.

In other words, it's a kind of hyper-fit and fashionable Fitbit, and it's not a bad thing. It's not bad for business either, given the huge amount of money that aging baby boomers have to spend on health technologies.

Oh, and he's finally able to show the weather all the time. It just took five generations.

(Image credit: Apple)

3. Apple wants all your money, all the time

Much of the event was devoted to services and subscriptions, because that's where most of Apple's revenue comes from. Everything adds up. Five dollars for your Apple TV subscription. Another five dollars for Apple Arcade. And of course, there is your iCloud storage, because the free level is always hilarious. Oh, and then there are your kiosk subscriptions and apps, which Apple also picks up, and the Apple card you're paying for.

Previously, Apple's business model was to sell you extremely expensive hardware with huge profit margins and that was the end of it; At present, it seems like the model is selling you extremely expensive hardware with huge profit margins, then selling you many subscriptions and services.

(Image credit: Apple)

4. Apple TV + will probably not be very good

And we do not want to just say that it will be bullshit in the UK, as Apple's TV offerings are traditionally, and where the story is likely to be repeated at least in the short term. By this we mean that the signs of the keynote speech were not entirely encouraging.

Yes, offering one year of free subscription could mean that Apple is simply using its pockets to offer everyone its TV service at a very low price, but Apple TV + already lower price than its main competitors, Disney and Netflix. If you were a very rich company and you really trusted the quality of your content, would not you just spend your money on ads that show how great it was? Apple does not offer you a free iPad for a year, after all.

(Image credit: Apple)

5. Diversity at Apple

The technology industry can be terribly pale, masculine and obsolete, and the technical presentations can be particularly terrible examples: all too often, the only women and people of color you'll see are the models in their big-budget ads. .

So it's good to see Apple walking on the street and expressing itself, with a relatively diverse panel of presenters from the organization. Was it perfect? Nope. But neither was it an endless parade of middle-aged whites, and the same diversity was apparent in the camera demonstrations. This thing matters.

6. Brexit's escaped technology for the British (and the situation is likely to get worse)

For years, we have been able to convert Apple's US prices into UK prices, as they are identical: five nine nine USD worked at five nine nine GBP.

Not anymore.

The new iPad costs $ 329 in US dollars, but it's £ 349 in pounds sterling. Confusedly, the price difference is not in the range. So, for example, the new Apple Watch is a straight sterling-pound conversion, but it's clearly what's going to happen and the situation could well worsen if the pound sterling continues to depreciate against the dollar.


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