64% of adults in 10 different countries are said to use central bank digital currency: report – Bitcoin News


As central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) progress in testing, a number of countries have taken the initiative to create a CBDC. Corporate blockchain company Guardtime recently conducted a survey that shows adults in ten different countries would likely use a CBDC. Almost two in three respondents said they would likely use a CBDC after launch, and most study participants believe that a major CBDC will be launched within three years.

63% of survey respondents would benefit from a CBDC if launched, 33% would be ‘very likely’ to use a CBDC

The corporate blockchain company founded by Christopher Leiter and Mike Gault, Guardtime recently conducted a survey in ten major economic regions in Europe, the United Arab Emirates, Asia and North America. The study found that of all participants surveyed, 64% said they would ‘likely’ benefit from a CBDC if their country launched one. 33% of respondents said they were “very likely” to use a CBDC if a major was launched.

The Guardtime study says the company works with “several central banks around the world” and believes that “the introduction of central bank digital currencies could disrupt the global economic order.” Only 10% of survey respondents said they would “never” use a CBDC. Additionally, Guardtime says the company found “strong support” from participants who would convert their current savings to CBDCs. Support for wages paid by CBDCs also saw “strong support” in the Guardtime poll.

“About one in three adults (33%) would be ready to convert their savings to CBDCs within a month,” the Guardtime research report notes. “An additional 26% would do so within one to six months. Only 11% say they would never convert their savings into CBDC, ”adds the study from the company. Guardtime researchers went on to say:

Up to 30% would be happy to receive their salary in a CBDC within one month, and 27% would follow within one to six months. About 12% would never agree to be paid at a CBDC.

Study: “Consumers ranked transaction privacy as the most important attribute of a CBDC”

As for predictions, the Guardtime study suggests this because of things like the coronavirus crisis. The increased digitization of our modern world will likely strengthen the first major CBDC “within three years,” according to the study. Guardtime Chief Strategy Officer Luukas Ilves says the survey results are fascinating. “People around the world have embraced rapid digitization during the coronavirus crisis and this seems to be reflected in the relative enthusiasm for the launch of digital currencies by central banks,” Ilves said. The Guardtime executive added:

It is fascinating to see that 64% of people would be ready to use CBDCs – even if they have not yet launched – and are happy to support and trust central banks to guarantee the delivery of digital currencies.

Guardtime research clarifies that respondents said they wouldn’t necessarily want to stop using cash. However, 31% of participants indicated that they would substitute more than half of their financial transactions through a CBDC within one month of its launch. 28% indicated that they would like to wait longer than a month and up to six months to complete financial transactions with a CBDC. There were three very important features that respondents wanted to see, namely privacy, ease of use, and the ability to take advantage of a CBDC without an internet connection.

What do you think of the recent Guardtime poll? Would you like to take advantage of a major CBDC if a CBDC is introduced in the near future? Let us know what you think of this CBDC poll in the comments section below.

Tags in this story

10 Countries, Cash, CBDC, Savings CBDC, Users CBDC, CBDC, Central Bank Digital Currency, Coronavirus, Digital Currencies, Guardtime, Guardtime Study, Luukas Ilves, Research, Research Report, Study, Survey, Virtual Assets

Image credits: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons

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