7 things Joe Biden promised to do on his first day at the office


President-elect Joe Biden has peddled “day one” promises throughout his campaign, mostly focused on overturning the work of the Trump administration. Here is what he said is on the agenda for January 20, the inauguration day:

1. Send a DACA invoice to Congress

In June, the president-elect promised to send a bill to Congress to create a pathway to citizenship not only for the nation’s dreamers, immigrants brought to the United States as children, but also for the 11 million undocumented migrants currently living in the country. “It’s too late,” Biden wrote on Twitter.

But in November, he loosened that timeline, pledging to chart a course to citizenship within the first 100 days of his administration.

“Part of it will depend on what kind of cooperation I can or can’t get from the US Congress,” Biden admitted.

During the election campaign, Biden pledged to end the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPPs) that keep migrants in Mexico as they go through their hearings. Known as the ‘Stay in Mexico’ policy, opponents have claimed it puts migrants at risk, but Trump officials said it was essential to end the ‘catch and release’ by which migrants were released in the United States instead.


This week, Biden officials acknowledged that rescinding Trump’s immigration policies could take “a while” and doing it all at once would result in a push at the border.

Biden himself admitted that “it will probably take the next six months.”

2. Prohibition to travel in reverse

Biden made a number of lofty promises over the summer, including ending Trump’s “vile” and “Islamophobic” travel restrictions in 13 Muslim-majority countries, often referred to as a “Muslim ban.”

“Today the House adopted the #NoBanAct because no one should be discriminated against or singled out because of the faith he practices. I will end President Trump’s Muslim ban on day one and sign this bill, ”he wrote on Twitter.

The ban initially banned the entry of nationals from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.

Now in its third version, the ban affects travelers from Iran, Libya, North Korea, Somalia, Syria, Yemen, Eritrea, Kyrgyzstan, Myanmar and Nigeria. It bans some residents of Tanzania and Venezuela.

The administration said the ban affected countries that did not share enough information for the United States to properly vet its citizens.


“The Trump administration’s anti-Muslim bias harms our economy, betrays our values, and can serve as a powerful tool for recruiting terrorists,” the Biden campaign website said. “Banning Muslims from entering the country is morally wrong, and there is no information or evidence to suggest that it makes our nation safer. This is yet another abuse of power by the Trump administration. designed to target primarily black and brown immigrants. Biden will do so immediately. overturn “Muslim bans.”

3. Join the Paris climate agreement

The president-elect vowed to use executive action to join the Paris climate accords after Trump announced he would withdraw the nation in 2017. The withdrawal had been one of the campaign promises of Trump.

“So we go out,” Trump said. “The Paris agreement is very unfair at the highest level to the United States.”

“The Paris agreement will undermine our economy,” he said, adding that it “puts us at a permanent disadvantage”.

The Paris climate agreement is a pact between nearly 200 countries to voluntarily reduce greenhouse gas emissions in an effort to fight climate change. The United States, the second largest carbon emitter in the world, would be required to reduce fossil fuel emissions by almost 30% by 2025.

The United States only formally withdrew from the deal this year.

About 189 countries remain committed to the 2015 Paris Agreement, which aims to keep the rise in average temperatures around the world “well below” 2 degrees Celsius.

Some opponents of the deal noted that countries like Russia and China were not as affected by the deal as the United States and pointed to the bleak results of the Kyoto Protocol, raising the question of whether the Paris agreement would reduce global greenhouse gas emissions. at all.

“Under a Biden-Harris administration, we will join the Paris Agreement from day one and lead the world in the fight against climate change,” Biden wrote on Twitter.

Biden has already chosen two climate “czars” in addition to an EPA chief – John Kerry, who will lead the nation’s international climate efforts, and Gina McCarthy, who will focus on domestic states climate policy. -United.

4. Executive order on masks

“On day one, I will sign an executive order requiring masks wherever I can,” Biden wrote on Twitter earlier this month.

Biden, acknowledging that he did not have the authority to require masks in most situations, vowed to do so in federal buildings, interstate travel such as planes, trains, and buses, and to work with governors and mayors on their own mask mandates.

Most states across the country already have some form of mask warrant to curb the spread of the coronavirus.

5. Reverse Trump’s Asylum Limits

Responding to a report that Trump had terminated the Flores accord, Biden vowed on day one “to eliminate President Trump’s decision to limit asylum and to quash his executive orders that eliminated priorities of ‘Obama-Biden National Security and Public Safety Enforcement’.

“It is cruel and repugnant to deprive migrant children of the few protections they have. It is not enough for this administration to put children in cages without soap or beds, now it wants to keep them there indefinitely. It is not who. we are “, Biden wrote on Twitter.

Courts have heeded Biden’s promise on the Flores Accord, or a policy that only allowed migrant children to be detained for 20 days. The Trump administration had sought to keep them with their families but was detaining them indefinitely. A judge rejected the effort in September 2019.

In July, an appeals court struck down Trump’s “asylum ban,” a rule that would require migrants traveling through other countries to seek asylum there first.

6. Take action to raise taxes for the rich

In October 2019, Biden vowed to “move on” to eliminating Trump’s tax cuts. “Day one Joe Biden will move on to: Eliminate Trump’s tax cut for the super-rich, close unwarranted loopholes in our tax code, and use that money to invest in America’s future.”

Biden has repeatedly promised that he “will not raise taxes for anyone who earns less than $ 400,000” a year.

The Democratic plan is to reduce the tax rate from 37% to a pre-Trump rate of 39.6% for those at the top of individual federal tax brackets. Corporate tax rates would also increase, from 21% to 28%, and people who earn more than $ 400,000 a year will have to pay additional payroll taxes as promised.


7. Sign decrees regulating oil and gas

Biden’s campaign website promises that the president-elect “will sign a series of new executive orders of unprecedented scope that same day that go far beyond the Obama-Biden administration.”

These ordinances will seek to demand “aggressive” methane pollution limits for the oil and gas sector, add stringent fuel economy standards and reinstate the Clean Air Act, conserve 30% of land and water. by 2030 and restore protections to federal lands and water.


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