8 things I would like to see in the OnePlus 7T Pro


The ticking cycle of OnePlus phones is a bit misleading. Although the almost identical names suggest that the differences are few, these refreshments sometimes bring more significant changes in the design, as with the OnePlus 5T, or offer new features, as in the case of the OnePlus 6T of the last year. The specifications of the next flagship OnePlus phone – probably the "OnePlus 7T Pro" if the story is accurate – you will probably be familiar, but that does not mean that the company can not make any improvement, and I want it.

I use the 7 Pro as a daily driver since before that has been officially revealed to the world (privilege of the technology blogger) and although this choice should reflect how much I love the phone, considering all the other existing options, that does not mean that it is perfect. I appreciate a lot of things about it, but almost as many small details have gotten worse over time, and I'd like OnePlus to make some adjustments with its next device.

(In fact, it's way too late in the product development cycle for this list to make a difference, but it's good to have desires and I have them too often.)

Real, rated water resistance

It's a long-standing problem for the company's products and it's almost a joke that OnePlus again did not attribute to its flagship phones an IP-grade water quality honest to god. No series of marketing videos will replace these tests and the increased consumer confidence it inspires, even if the warranty does not cover water damage.

A clip of a phone splashing in a bucket is not enough.

The company has tried to dispel such fears with marketing videos. Apologists will scroll through the tests of bloggers and YouTubers, who show that it easily eliminates anecdotal splatters and pseudoscientific hollows. all the other lighthouses that make to have one, and it's almost comical at this point. The company's earlier assertion that such tests would result in a ridiculous $ 30 price increase by telephone also seems completely unsupported.

The lack of IP classification of OnePlus phones can no longer be rationalized by value. The price just requires it now.

Always active display

Permanent display on the Pixel 3 XL.

Leaving a portion of the screen permanently lit to display information is a common feature of many OLED equipped phones, which is especially useful when you adapt to the positioning of a computer. Fingerprint reader built into the screen, but OnePlus unfortunately missed this feature. The Galaxy S10 can do it, a Pixel can do it, but the OnePlus 7 Pro can not – and there's no good reason why it should not.

The company initially gave the impression that functionality was planned, although its priority was lower than other more important issues. Subsequent comments suggested that battery life was a concern, but if functionality can simply be made optional, customers can choose for themselves. That would not be a problem if the next OnePlus phone has …

Longer battery life, more power, wireless charging

I think the battery life on the OnePlus 7 Pro is pretty good. Anything north of 4 to 5 hours of screen time is fine for me, and I can afford a lighter two-day use, but the Galaxy S10 + easily makes fun of those numbers, and everyone did not use his phone the same way. Others who have a little more trouble using their devices have complained about the longevity of the phone. Regardless of my experiences, a further improvement in battery life would be appreciated by all.

In what seems to me to be a related request, I would also like OnePlus to improve its already fast loading speeds. We have seen a slowdown of 7 Pro at 30W in the form of Warp Charge, but other companies are currently pushing 40-50W in the high end, and I would like OnePlus to fit that. The current fast charging level has already saved my skin more than once, but if I'm going to be picky (and I get paid), I'd like OnePlus to use the SuperVOOC from the Oppo parent / sister company up to its maximum speeds of two cells and reach closer to 50W.

In my last demand related to power, wireless charging is gaining popularity again. Personally, I am not a partisan of the concept, given the premature death of several batteries of my phone because of the heat, but it is a convenience to which many expect them if they accept a design with glass.

Automatic brightness more reactive

Whether it is a failure of Android in general or the ambient light sensor on the 7 Pro's screen, the often inaccurate automatic brightness on the phone is the only one. 39, one of my biggest complaints. It's better than it was, but the phone frequently adopts inexplicable brightness settings, selecting something too dark, even in the light of day, or something too bright at night. Apparently, Android can adapt to your preferences if you adjust the brightness when you feel it is "wrong", but the 7 Pro just does not seem to learn.

A stronger and deeper haptic

The OnePlus 7 saw a substantial improved feedback / haptic vibration compared to legitimate waste from the company's previous phones, but it's still nothing compared to phones like the recent Pixels. Of course, iPhones are leagues beyond this, but it's probably too much to expect soon for the same experience on Android. Nevertheless, I would prefer to see more haptic improvements than to be satisfied with "better than before".

The company may have replaced the return more noisy than the level of vibration found in previous phones, but the strength and character of the 7 Pro's haptics still leave room for improvements, even compared to some other Android phones .

More consistent camera

I think the camera in the 7 Pro is perfect – it's neither Pixel nor Huawei, but it usually takes "correct" pictures most of the time, and it can even take very good shots in difficult circumstances . That said, the performance is not uniform, the phone sometimes choosing a bad white balance, a color deactivation or an ISO at startup unnecessarily. It's this unpredictability that bothers me the most: I never know what to expect when I tap the shutter release button. Is it going to take a good picture this time?

The 7 Pro struggles with white balance and the telephoto camera could be sharper.

Gcam's results on OnePlus 7 Pro are much better, so improvements are likely to be made to the treatment, which takes time and effort from OnePlus. The company made it clear that it was difficult to make these improvements, but other changes to the hardware could also make things better.

Originally, telephoto performance did not bother me about the Samsung Galaxy S10 +, but a long talk with Michael Fisher convinced me that the focus and sharpness of the zoomed camera was missing and that improvements could be made. made to both. I'd also like to see the reduced shutter time; I've missed too many time-dependent photos in the last few months, waiting to be able to take the photo after typing.

Make a smaller lighthouse

I put this in the end because the industrial design of the next phone will be almost the same, but the OnePlus 7 Pro is just too big. This is the only feature of the phone that bothers me most everyday, although other great stars like the Pixel 3 XL and the Galaxy S10 + do not bother me at all.

The 7 Pro is a big boy.

I do not drop phones, but I regularly drop the OnePlus 7 Pro to no longer be bothered by the handling of such a large device for one-handed use. Even with tapered sides that nest more easily in the palm, it's hard to hold.

Whether it's shape or overall dimensions, the phone is very cumbersome to handle, and I'd like it to be easier to hold and use physically.

Do not repair what is not broken

Although some improvements are desirable, the last thing I want is that OnePlus removes one of the existing features of the 7 Pro that makes it such a great device. For example, the stock-type lightweight software is totally shouting on quality material. Of course, this could kill background applications more often than I would like, with strange problems such as brightly colored night mode, but otherwise, I consider that the company's transformation on Android does not Is only secondary to the Google pixels, and I would hate to see it. to be inflated or bogged down by useless changes.

Almost the best hardware feature on OnePlus phones – do not remove the alert slider.

Regardless of the software experience, I also think that OnePlus has made significant progress in material quality and industrial design over the past two years. At one point, his "flagship killers" do not have him feel like flagships, but this day is long gone. To the touch, you'd be hard pressed to say that the OnePlus 7 Pro costs hundreds of less than the latest flagship products from Samsung or Huawei. The single alert slider and frankly indispensable is another thing that I would hate to see leaving.

The OnePlus 7 Pro is still my favorite phone of the year and the company can improve in many ways with its next product. I hope this will not throw away anything that made the old phone so successful.


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