‘911’ Recap: Buck’s Birth Explained – Season 4 Episode 5 Interview


9-1-1 finally gave Buck an official origin story on Monday – and it was even darker than we could have imagined.

Still reeling from the discovery that he and Maddie had an older brother who had died of cancer, Buck also learned this week that he was only conceived in the hope that he would be a bone marrow match for Daniel. Des Buckleys’ twisted (and far too common!) Plan worked for a short time, until Daniel relapsed and died, at which point the family fell apart and never spoke of the tragedy again.

A series of childhood and young adulthood flashbacks from Buck and Maddie have expanded on their close relationship, including how Maddie nearly told Buck about Daniel when she first left home to go to the Boston nursing school with Doug. (Ugh, Doug.) We also saw that the siblings almost ran away together years ago, but an abusive Doug made it clear what he would do to Maddie if she left. (Again… Ugh, Doug!) She did, however, give Buck his beloved Jeep so he could leave town and start over – a gift that ultimately led him to Los Angeles.

Below, Oliver Stark goes down 9-1-1The long awaited episode of “Buck Begins” including the moment he looked at himself in the mirror and said to himself, “Oliver, you made a huge mistake.”

TVLINE | I was starting to wonder if Buck would ever get an episode of “Begins”. He was so young when we met him, I wasn’t sure if he would get enough of a story.
[Laughs] I agree, right? Buck had just left for the pilot’s barracks, and we were seeing it all through his eyes. So I didn’t know if [a Buck origin story] would be a necessary thing, but then [showrunner Tim Minear] was like, “I got this idea for that.” I understood why it was necessary. It immediately made sense of what we know about Buck.

TVLINE | What was your reaction when you first saw this all play out in the script?
More than anything, in fact, I was impressed that [the writers] were able to come up with something that sums up so much what we’ve seen of Buck over the years. The more I thought about his past behavior, the more I said to myself, “Oh, now it makes sense why he always does these things and why he has this hero complex. I thought it was brilliant. I also didn’t know that some families actually had babies because of this. It was very revealing.

TVLINE | Yes! I had to go to Google to see if this was true, and they really do!
The way Tim told me was, “They basically have a baby for the parts.”

TVLINE | Before the truth was revealed, fans had some crazy theories about Buck’s family secret, including that Maddie was actually his mother.
[Laughs] Yeah, I’m not sure why so many people got hooked on that one. She really isn’t much older than him, so there would have been a lot of darkness to explore there. It’s safe to say that was never going to be the secret. … I saw a few people absolutely nail what it was, at which point I wondered, “Who in the writers room has a secret Twitter account?”

TVLINE | Have you met any of the actors who played Young Buck?
I met the middle one, the skateboarding one. He’s 14, so he’s just this cool kid who would probably be riding around on his skateboard anyway. The coolest part of seeing these [younger versions] saw my birthmark made up on all their faces. Like, “There you go. Now you are me. Because it was talked about so much on the show, it would have been quickly pointed out if we had left it out.

TVLINE | How will this experience affect Buck in the future?
Knowing what is holding you back is important, so the fact that he can begin to understand why his relationship with his parents has always been so strained, and why he always felt that lack of belonging, he can finally start to move on. and heal and mend those relationships and reestablish those connections. As upsetting as it was to hear the news, it will only be good for him. We will see a new, more accomplished Buck thanks to this.

TVLINE | He will have a lot to say during his next therapy session.
Yeah, and I think that’s actually a very important thing for the show to address. Whoever you are, whatever you are going through, if you have the privilege of being able to undergo therapy, it is a beneficial thing. There is nothing to be ashamed of. We saw him keep it a secret in the first few episodes, but I like the whole barracks to know he’s in therapy now. It’s a good message to spread.

TVLINE | I’ve always liked it about Buck, he’s strong but sensitive.
Absolutely. They are not mutually exclusive. You can be one thing in one instant, then another thing in the next, and they don’t move away from each other. People have many facets of themselves.

TVLINE | One of those facets is Buck’s incredible Peruvian look in 2015. Can we talk about that for a minute?
[Laughs] I really wanted to push the boat on that and make it an extreme phase of his life. But once I got it all – the tough tan, the highlights in my slicked back hair – I looked in the mirror and thought, “Oliver, you made a huge mistake. I think it accomplished what we were trying to do there, however. He was trying to find himself, literally trying on different hats throughout the episode to find his place and purpose.

What do you think of Buck’s twisted backstory, now that we have the full picture? Rate the special episode below, then drop a comment with your thoughts below.


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