Many Google users have no idea of ​​the relationship between Jon Snow and Daenerys


"Game of Thrones" is a confusing spectacle, we will admit it. So confusing that even we sometimes have to use Google to check the many plot points and character details of David Benioff and D.B. The fantastic Weiss HBO series. But after reviewing the search engine data about the show, we have some questions about your questions.

According to statistics provided to Google by TheWrap, among the most wanted questions on "Game of Thrones" in the United States between March 28 and April 4, was, "What is the connection between Jon Snow and Daenerys?

OK, so this proves that 592 days after the season 7 finale, some viewers still do not understand what was revealed in the final moments of the episode: Jon Snow (played by Kit Harington) is the son of Rhaegar Targaryen – Daenerys' (Emilia Clarke) older brother – and Lyanna Stark.

Just to be clear, it means that Jon is do not Bastard son of Ned Stark, he is Dany's nephew. She is his aunt. Including? Well.

Now you can check out the question below "Game of Thrones" the most googlé, which reveals that everyone does not know the premieres of season 8 this Sunday at 9 / 8c on HBO.

Oh, you can also see the most googled state character here:

Game of Thrones, most wanted characters by state

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Most questions about Jon Snow

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