Premiere of the final season of "Game of Thrones": Bran Ending Explained


[CettehistoirecontientdesspoilerspourlapremièresaisondeHBO's[ThisstorycontainsspoilersforthefinalseasonpremiereofHBO's[CettehistoirecontientdesspoilerspourlapremièresaisondeHBO's[ThisstorycontainsspoilersforthefinalseasonpremiereofHBO’sGame of thrones, "Winterfell. "]

Several years ago, just before Game of thrones Jaime Lannister (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) had the last word: "The things I do for love". Nearly seventy episodes later, Jaime returns to Winterfell, once again face to face with Bran Stark (Isaac Hempstead Wright), but this time around? Not a pithy one-line in sight.

We understand why the Game of thrones the antihero does not exactly find his words. Jaime and Bran have both undergone a considerable transformation since their last meeting. The golden-haired swordsman lost his hand and his family, while the latter lost all the shreds of his humanity, at least most of the time. These days, Bran Stark prefers a different name: the three-eyed crow, a title he inherited alongside the magical powers that observe that he pulled from his journey beyond the wall . These powers will play a determining role in the last five episodes of Game of thrones, as already demonstrated in the first final season.

While Bran may be a bit out of step with the deadly relationship, things could not be more opposite for Isaac Hempstead Wright, who has been in the role of young Stark since the beginning of the year. The Thrones. He himself has become an adult grown taller than many of his colleagues, with great wisdom, and although Bran is ready for the great war against the King of the night and the White Walkers, the actor is ready for the Game of thrones look to finish finally.

Coming up, Hempstead Wright talks with The Hollywood Reporter about the events of the season premiere, the Bran Bow in particular and how it will interact with Jaime, what to expect in the remaining episodes and the reason for which is more excited than sad in the face of the imminent conclusion of the award-winning HBO drama.

What was your initial reaction to reading the premiere of the last season and arriving on the final stage: the meeting of Bran and Jaime?

I think we all expected it was going to happen. Bran knows everything [for quite some time]and so it was inevitable that he waited with horror as Jaime introduced himself. (Laughs.) I remember the first time I read the episode: I was still in the hall of the university. I remember thinking, "I'd better lock myself up here." Everyone would like love to read this now. "I read the first episode and it was so amazing.We come back two years after the last time you saw one of these characters.It's important to get people back in the Game of thrones universe, bringing them back to all new covenants and so on. The cliffhanger at the end? It's just genius. It's exactly the same cliffhanger we had at [the series premiere]. The fact that the final episode is a reflection of the very first episode is a really interesting and cyclical thing.

In many ways, the arrival of Daenerys reflects the arrival of King Robert and even a little boy running through Winterfell to spy on all the action, much like Bran at the time. What do you remember about shooting these scenes? It must have been surreal.

The arrival scene of this queen was really interesting, because it was really exactly as we had done before [in season one]. It reminds me a lot of memories. We were again side by side, now in a completely different order of height, and I sat, ten years old. It was really fun. I remember that it took a few days to film; it was a big scene. Of course, Bran has all these strange lines: "We do not have time for all that!" Again, it was so much fun. I've really learned to love being that crazy in the corner that is done from time to time with a strange abstract comment from time to time that makes everyone go there. "What? "(Laughs.)

Has your approach to Bran changed since the seventh season, or do you still see it in the same terms as at the last meeting?

More or less, it's pretty much the same thing. But I was aware of trying to have a little more wisdom. I was trying to do it a little more like Three Ravens with three eyes Max von Sydow. In season seven, I felt like he was just overwhelmed. He had just downloaded everything in his head. He has not yet finished accepting it. My approach to the eighth season is that he controls his powers a little bit, sitting like a wise old man who knows what's going on and needs to explain to those little mortals what's really important.

Another good thing about this episode: getting to act against Emilia [Clarke] like Daenerys. It's too funny. I do not think it's something that I've ever thought of happening. For so many seasons, my character has been on the periphery of the main storyline. Daenerys has always seemed so far away. She was on another continent. Why on earth would I ever have the opportunity to have a scene with her? I especially liked being able to do this by playing alongside Emilia and all those other people who are now suddenly involved in this scene.

It's also your first scene with Kit Harington since the very beginning, right?

Right! What's funny is these big meetings … for me, these are some of the first scenes I had with these people. I could count the number of scenes I had with Kit with the left hand. It's too funny. Because of the story, the audience is hooked: "What a beautiful meeting!" But it's really the first time I play with these people, especially as adults, rather than just as a child. It was very amusing.

What energy does it bring to performance?

It's really, really exciting. Because then, you're out of play, and you're a whole gang. It really gives you a different atmosphere. We are used to spending time at first and stuff. These are people I have never really been on the same board as. The fact that we are all there for the same reason has given us this truly dynamic set. Having a lot of different people naturally brings a very different energy. I think that certainly passes.

How did you see Bran's point of view on the meeting with Jon Snow? He tells Jon that he is less a man than he looks, since he is now the three-eyed crow. Does Bran feel happy to find his family member?

There is a feeling of … I would not necessarily say "joy", but there is always a part of Bran in the three-eyed crow. He remembers what it was like to be Bran. Usually, his mind is busy with so many other things. But when he's in Winterfell, surrounded by so many family members and so many people he has not seen for so long, it certainly breaks the parts of his brain that are Bran. I think he's feeling that he's happy to see you again. It was interesting to see your trip. But I think all of this is due to how interesting it is to see how someone's life is cleared, the road traveled, the things you saw, why you're here today. and where you have to go from now on. . It's not as if Bran was going to sit and shoot in shit for an hour with Jon. It sounds more like, "Nice to see you again, you've made an interesting trip – and you still have an interesting trip ahead."

Towards the end of the episode, Bran increases peer pressure on Samwell Tarly, coaching him to tell Jon the truth about his targaryen roots. Why does not Bran talk to Jon himself?

Because Bran is not stupid. He may not be very emotional, but he has an idea of ​​how the world works. He knows it will not be the best revelation for his brother – or what is it now? His cousin? – that he has not seen for many years. What is he going to say? "By the way, you're killing your aunt and you're the heir to the Iron Throne." Bran is wise enough to know that he's not the right person to deliver the new one. This news must come from Sam. This requires a very human touch, and Sam is one of the most human characters. He's nice, he's vulnerable and he's Jon's best friend. Jon needs to hear from someone like that. He can not be reactionary. He must take it for cash.

Going back to the end of the first, how much did you allow yourself to wonder how it would be to see Bran see Jaime again? That's the man who pushed him out the window and threw him on the path to becoming the three-eyed crow. Have you always had the impression that an account was unavoidable?

You know, I'm not sure. In a sense, it's really out of place for Bran, really. His only goal is that he wants the living to survive. He is on the side of the living. He is the ancient arch-nemesis of the king of the night. He is so far beyond any small argument or his desire to take revenge or revenge on anyone. He does not see the world like that anymore. It simply sees things as deadlines that intersect and must end up in certain places. I think from the point of view of history, it's amazing to see this happen. Me like Isaac? I was delighted to see this reunion, because it's such a poignant moment and a so cool thing for Jaime to come back here and realize that Bran is no longer Bran – he fucks creepy. In terms of Bran, though? I do not think he's really worried about it. This is just not on his list of priorities.

There are five episodes left. What do we do?

Well, if you noticed, the first episode was pretty funny. I guess it's a warning, to reassure you before any pain that will come. (Laughs.) The rest of the season might not follow as easily.

We know that there is a big battle ahead in Winterfell. Can you say something about this?

I do not know how much I can say, actually. But obviously, there are battle scenes in season eight. The White Walkers are coming. In terms of scale [of the season]Well, we saw "Battle of the Bastards", and it looked like the pinnacle. There is no way to beat that. It's one of the best battles in the history of television, is not it? Well, what you see in season eight … it's going to be something else. The amount of work the team has devoted to this, weeks and weeks of intense, difficult shooting, with incredibly difficult stunt sequences and epic visual effects … I have not seen anything yet battles but I heard through the subject. it's completely out of this world.

You finished filming months ago. You are now on the last step, with advertising and watching the season unfold on TV. Where are you with your feelings about Game of thrones In closing – is it more than you are sad to say goodbye to so much of your life, or more than you are excited to have all the secrets of the world in the next six weeks?

You know what? It's very nice to have this interview, because I can talk about it [specific plot details]. I have been doing so much press lately and I can not really say anything. I do not stop thinking that I say the same thing every day! There is more analysis I can do about past seasons! So, yes, I really can not wait. Especially because I'm excited by the season 8. Frankly, there are so many really cool moments that will define the whole series. I would just like to be able to talk about everyone. I look forward to the dialogue going on, the dialogue going on and everyone can really discuss it. And I'm ready to say goodbye. I think everyone is. It's been such a long time. It's as if it was the right time to wrap up.

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