Season 8 of Game of Thrones: Euron distorts the prophecy and pregnancy of Cersei


Almost all the characters who are still active Game of thrones was north in season 8 premiere. In Winterfell, Westeros heroes battled winter, the Night King approach and a new icy political reality. Meanwhile, Cersei Lannister was comfortable at King's Landing.

The final act of The Thrones find the current queen of Westeros without her brother-lover, Jaime. But she found someone else to keep her bed warm and her army was composed of members: Euron Greyjoy. On the basis of past, present and expected future, the alliance could involve some hidden risks for Cersei.

[[[[Ed. Note: This post contains major spoilers for Game of thrones season 8, episode 1]

The prophecy haunts the final of the last season. Remember: Once upon a time, as described in the first episode of Season 5, a young Cersei dug into the woods around Casterly Rock and discovered an old woman who lived in a small cottage. Maggy the frog, as she was known, has turned out to be a pretty powerful fortune teller.

Cersei asked Maggy three questions about her future, and Maggy gave her three disastrous answers. The first said she would not marry a prince, but a king. The second said that she would be rejected by a younger and more beautiful queen who would take everything that was dear to her. Finally, Maggy told Cersei that the king would have 20 children, but that Cersei would only have three and that "gold will be their crown and gold their shroud".

Cersei on the iron throne in game of thrones season 8


From your point of view, most of these predictions have come true. Margaery more or less took all that Cersei liked, so what she liked was her children. It is quite possible that Daenerys will take away her power, the only thing she seems to like after Tommen's death. But there is another element in this prophecy – the one that the series did not give us – that could be the key to Cersei's story with Euron.

In A feast for crows, the fourth book of the series, Maggy reveals to Cersei a last part of the prophecy: "The Valonqar Wrap his hands around your pale throat and smother the life of you. "

Although all other parts of Maggy's prophecy motivated Cersei's actions and hatred of characters like Sansa and Margaery, this part has always had a special place in his mind. Word Valonqar is the high word Valyrian for "little brother".

For Cersei, the obvious suspect to be the Valonqar would be Tyrion, but the truth is that there are many "younger brothers" in the Game of Thrones universe: Jaime, for example, is a younger brother; Jon Snow is a little brother of sorts; even Sandor Clegane, the Dog, is perfect. The prophecy never mentions whose little brother that is referred to, and whoever would stay in the series might have reasons to kill Cersei.

So keep in mind: Euron Greyjoy is also a younger brother.

Cersei and Euron Greyjoy at the game of thrones season 8

Another element of the prophecy that seems to be in question concerns the children of Cersei. According to Maggy, she will have three and each will die. The revelation of her pregnancy last season leaves some options unresolved, given that her three children – Joffrey, Myrcella and Tommen – have all been killed: either she will die before having the child either Maggy's prophecy was not as accurate as Cersei spent his life believing it.

We could even get an idea of ​​what might go wrong for Cersei in the first episode of Season 8. Soon after their "private conversation", Euron seems to want to have a son with her. Since she has not told him yet that she is already pregnant, one could assume that when the news comes out, things could become ugly.

Cersei and Euron have a relationship that seems more or less based on convenience. They are close to each other and on one side, and they both have a lot to gain from each other's trust.

But what happens when the relationship becomes less and less practical and both realize that there is never any trust between them? Is it possible that among all the men on whom she kept a watchful eye through this prophecy, Euron Greyjoy could be the man she had always referred to? Euron has already proven that he is more than willing to kill to succeed. In his introduction to the show of season 6, episode 2, he murders Balon Greyjoy, his own brother.

As the situation in Cersei's camp becomes more critical and her allies are increasingly desperate, it seems she is a little less cautious towards whom she trusts. But if Cersei is not paying attention, Maggy could still have a prediction to follow.


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