Fox News host Laura Ingraham mocks the late Nipsey Hussle; Game & T.I. to answer


Laura Ingraham

Right wing Fox News host Laura Ingraham caught fire to make fun of the end Nipsey Hussle while reporting his memorial service on his show The angle of Angraham Friday. "Yesterday in Los Angeles, thousands of people lined the streets to bid farewell to rapper Nipsey Hussle. Now this dear artist has recently released a song called "FDT" – F Donald Trump, "she says with smugness. (It is worth noting that the song was released not "recently" but three years ago, and it was published by YG.) Nipsey has a guest verse on the song.) Ingraham then played a part of the song (part only with YG) and then joked: "Here is a very creative chorus", before adding: "So … the chorus continues over and over again. Is it linked to the lowest unemployment rate ever recorded for African Americans? "

Rapper companions The game, Snoop Dogg, and T.I. have since fired on Ingraham, and a petition has been launched to have Ingraham fired. It currently has more than 11,500 signatures.

The Game wrote on Instagram:

So I tell you what's going to happen here … @foxnews sets this disrespectful cat on fire tomorrow, Monday morning, otherwise you'll lose millions of viewers one by one until your rankings, your views, and so on. be affected drastically !! We do not remain silent while you continually neglect our brother, the African-American culture as a whole. I will use my platform and call my peers to do the same. Nips does not pass nor his legacy is to be taken lightly as there will be consequences for any disrespect now or in the future as long as I have a voice !!! I'm asking all my subscribers, fans, friends and family to stream this video with #LauraIngrahams !!!!! This is not a game. The untimely death of my brothers has visibly upset the world and brought people of all ethnicities into mourning. There is power that will be used and action will be taken from now on. We will not accept any excuses from her … we want her, PERIOD !!!!! #TheMarathonContinues ??? DO NOT LET THAT MY PEOPLE. I know you can feel the energy that PIN has left us all .. I know you feel it !!!!! ??

Snoop responded to the publication of The Game IG saying, "I'm in." T.I also posted:

It's disgusting! You are both ignoble, ignoble excuses for people.
My expectations have already decreased so much in the last few weeks for humanity that it did not surprise me … especially @foxnews. But rest assured, sooner than later, you'll both see … WE HAVE ALL TO LIVE THROUGH OUR PERSONAL TRAGEDY … and see how many people dance in the streets, laugh and joke with unpleasant and unpleasant jokes when Is your turn !!!! Karma is constant and the laws of reciprocity are in order !!!! Neither one nor the other of you will ever know or experience the level of love, appreciation and respect that Nip has … EVEN IN DEATH !!! So let it sizzle in your mind, hateful, demonic. And with that … I disconnect from IG at least a month …

Look at the segment below …


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